Messing with the Mackenzie brothers.

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Come on sweetie, you have to hurry up or you’ll be late for your first day’

Urgh. How could I forget? I rolled over in my bed to check the time.

Great my first day and I have like twenty minutes to get ready.

My mother popped her head round the door to check I was awake, seeing that I was slightly functional she smiled

‘Zoe, it will be great once you get there, I promise’

I forced a smile to prevent an argument. Not only did she move me to a different country, to a different home, leaving my dad, my friends and my dog Lulu behind, I was now forced to start a new school in the middle of the year. Sigh.

After a few minutes of emotional effort I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and began to look for something semi-decent to wear. Pulling my light brown waves into a messy bun I slung on some plain demin shorts and an ‘I <3 London’ tee. I briefly checked myself out in the full length mirror that was propped against the pile of unopened boxes. Hmm I looked presentable, after applying a little make-up I was ready to go, in record timing. 

My mum pulled the car up outside what would be my new hell-hole and I couldn’t resist giving it the once over. It was big, very big. Herds of jocks and skanks crowded around the entrance, same old – same old. My mum reached over patting my shoulder.

‘Are you ready kiddo? Good luck’ she said, plastering on another encouraging smile

‘I’m fine mom, it’s not like I haven’t done this before’ I sighed, opening the door and slamming it shut before she could respond.  

The corridor was bursting with people; I felt my body getting ragged around by the crowds of students pushing and shoving to get to their locker. Not knowing where I was going I stood frozen to the spot attempting to take in my surroundings.

It was then a shoulder barged into my side knocking me off balance, I stepped back and slid on my bag, falling to the floor in a very undignified manor. A small fit of giggles made me look up to a girl around my age, she reached out her hand.

‘Sorry’ I’m so clumsy’ she chuckled, pulling me up from the floor

I dusted myself off

‘You must be new right, I’m Katy’ she said smiling

‘Zoe’ I nodded back ‘you wouldn’t happen to know where the reception is?’

‘Sure I do, I’ll take you their’

The girl started pushing and shoving her way through the crowds whilst I stayed hot on her heels. I glanced quickly over her back taking in her appearance, she had long curly blonde hair hanging loosely down her back, she was wearing a short pink playsuit, but I was already certain she wasn’t any bimbo. She had a very innocent, kind-hearted smile, which I could tell was genuine.

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