Chapter #3

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Hey guys! This is chapter three hope you enjoy, I would really love it if you could take the time to pop on a comment or even a vote, anything to let me know if you like it or not... thanks for reading xoxo

I cannot go back!’ I yelled. Roxie, Katy and Mason listened intently as I told them about the encounter with the Mackenzie household yesterday. They were almost as surprised as I was, almost.

‘Aw come on, Zo you can’t just quit like that’

‘Katy, did you miss something… It’s the Mackenzie Brothers, as in THE Mackenzie brothers, I cannot, I repeat I cannot go back there. I already made a fool out of myself twice.'

‘Sure you could Zo, I mean yeah it would be awkward at first, but think about how fun it will be, like spying on the coolest guys in school’

‘It’s not really my idea of fun thanks’ I huffed

‘Actually’ Roxie added ‘I think Kat has a point, I mean come on, you could so get in there with them, you could totally get me into Aiden’s good books, maybe get him to at least look at one of my articles…’

‘Yeah’ Mason added ‘You could get Aaron to let me on the team, you don’t even know how long I’ve wanted to be part of that football team’

‘And you could get me a date with Alex Mackenzie’ Katy drooled; we all rolled our eyes at her. ‘Put a stop to that player show he does’

‘Oh yeah’ I sighed ‘and what exactly is in it for me…’

‘You get your job, see now everyone’s happy’

‘Think of it as like going undercover and messing with the Mackenzie brothers’

I agreed. In the end I had no choice, you can’t say no to people as persuasive as them. Argh. I am so doomed; it is so difficult not to lose your head around them. I was secretly glad tonight would be a night off, I really needed to catch up with some work in the library, all this panicking had put a restraint on my work, yeah I know I’m a geek.  

Picking a table as far away from everyone else in the library, I spread out my sheets and started going through my notes. I had been working for around an hour when I felt someone hovering behind me.

‘Mind if I sit here’ I looked up and meet Alfie Mackenzie’s eyes.

‘Err, yeah sure’ I mumbled, glad I had actually managed to speak this time.

‘You still having problems with that piece of work?’ he asked. I looked up surprised he had bothered to make conversation with me.

‘Yeah a little’ I replied, honestly.

‘I could go over it with you, if you like?’ He offered

Wow shock horror, they could be nice.

‘Sure?’ I replied trying to sound confident but instead it came out like a question.

After a while I loosened up a little and found myself relaxing.

‘I think you’ve got it’ he smiled. He looked down and checked his watch frowning.

‘Is everything okay?’ I asked.

‘Yeah, yeah, I best make a move, I have swimming practise soon, do you want a ride?’


‘Okay, well I’ll just get Aiden then we can go’ he said smiling.

Alfie had insisted I should sit in the front with him whilst Aiden lounged in back. I felt completely out of place in the posh BMW sat with the hottest guys I knew.

As they casually chatted between them, I tried to remain calm and cool.

‘Are you excited about spring prom?’ Aiden asked.

‘Me?’ My voice practically squeaked

‘Well duh’ they both laughed

‘Er, I didn’t know there was one?’ I replied feeling kind of stupid

‘Oh, newbie there’s plenty you don’t know. The dates will be released next month; everybody goes a little crazy for it…’

‘I probably won’t go anyway’ I sighed mostly to myself

‘What?!’ Aiden yelled, causing me to jump in my seat.

‘Everybody and I mean everybody goes to spring prom’ he continued

‘Er, well I guess, I just meant, that you know, I just’ I stuttered

‘Wait’ Alfie interrupted, I let out a sigh of relief, glad he was changing the topic ‘Where do you even live?’

Crap. I forgot about this. How could I let him take me to my house, he lived in a mansion for heaven’s sake. My house looked like a squat compared to his.

‘Er’ I said panicking, quick think of something!

‘Actually here’s just fine, I live here’ I said hopping out of the car, without even glancing at were we had stopped.

Aiden cocked his eyebrows at me in confusion

‘Do you live in a burrow?’ he asked

I frowned, what does he mean a burrow?

‘Zoe, we are in the middle of nowhere’

Oh. I looked around and released I had jumped out at a road with fields at both sides, great now I looked insane. Be cool, think of something reasonable.

‘Er, well you just can’t see my house cause we haven’t cut the grass in ages’


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