Chapter #7

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Thank you for commenting on all the chapters, it was lovely! ^

Hey guys, I was going to update sooner but I was at work yesterday to I couldn’t. This chapter is just a filler so sorry if it seems boring, next chapter is going to be good I promise and I will post that tonight!  Thanks for reading, I love all the comments you are all amazing!

The picture is of Aiden! Swoooooon.

Monday morning was a mare, I was hoping people would have forgotten all about my little strip show from the party, but they clearly hadn’t and they weren’t about to anytime soon.

‘Alright Newton’ some guy shouted across the corridor at me ‘You wanna give me a private show sometime?’ he winked

I cringed; I turned to my friends who were laughing.

‘It’s not funny’ I whined

‘It is pretty funny, Zo’ Katy chuckled ‘I just can’t believe you got that smashed, I wish I had been there’

‘Please don’t remind me anymore’ I wailed.

We rounded the corner into the lunch hall, and headed for our usual table.

‘Hey Zoe!’ I heard someone call me from the other end of the room, I peered my head around looking for where the voice had come from and that’s when I realised it had come from the Mackenzie table.

‘Come sit with us’ It was Aaron, the plan to get him to like me was clearly working, I’m glad I had friends that knew what they were doing. I was about to shake my head and decline when my friends pushed me forward

‘Time to work’ Roxie hissed in my ear, giving me an encouraging smile.

I took a large breath and strided over.

‘Hey’ I smiled sweetly setting down my tray in the seat next to Aaron, which he had kindly patted out for me.

‘You’ve made quite the impression’ he chuckled casually resting his arm around my shoulder causing me to catch my breath.

I sent him a sarcastic scowl and glanced around at the table. Aiden had his netbook out on the table and was concentrating dearly on the screen, Alex was messing with his hair trying to get it into the perfect style and Alfie was sat face down at his food scowling, somebody was clearly still in a mood.

‘Oh hey Zo’ Aiden said, finally noticing my presence ‘Do you want a ride back to ours in my car tonight, only there’s a few things I want to talk to you about’

I suddenly panicked. Did he know, is that why he wanted to talk to me, had he found out? Technically I hadn’t really done anything major yet anyways, could that really be what he wanted me for? And if he had found out, why doesn’t he just bring it up now? Unless he was thinking about attacking me in the car and dumping my body out on the fields

‘Sur-sure’ I gulped, as the possibilities ran through my mind.

‘Cool’ he smiled, his one hundred watt grin that I’ve seen girls go crazy about. Aiden always seem cool and slick on the surface like he didn’t want anybody to know how he was feeling or what he was really thinking, in a way it was kind of sly.  

It was fair to say I was officially the talk of the school, people i didn’t even know where saying hey to me in the corridor. All the girls were asking me why I’d sat with the Mackenzie brothers?  Or Was I dating Aaron? All the guys were asking about what happened at the party and if I was always so wild, etc.  So when the final bell rang I was relieved to get away from all the questions, sly glares and fake friendships, until I remembered I was to be meeting Aiden. When I got to the car park he was leaning on the back of his car starring up at the sky, I took a glance over his body, it was easy to see why people liked him so much, he had a well-defined jaw, which gave his face a sexy masculine look, you could see the muscles flexed in his neck, I ran my eyes down his shoulders looking at his muscles which could be seen faintly through his t-shirt. He was hot, that was for sure.

Finally I tore my eyes away and went over, it was a little awkward at first as we made unimportant small talk to ease the silence.

‘So’ he said finally getting to the point ‘I figured with you being top of the English class, I mean I’ve seen some of your work your writing is pretty amazing’

I blushed at the compliment

‘And considering you’re around at our house quite a bit, I would love to get your opinions on some of my articles; you could be like my editor?’

I mouth gaped open ‘What me?’

‘Well yeah, why not? ’ he chuckled

After this the awkwardness was lifted and we chatted lightly until we reached the house (mansion, I still haven’t gotten over how big there house was’

It felt good to get to know Aiden a little more and I was glad I had got a chance to talk to him, plus I knew Roxie was going to love this latest development. But for now it was back to plan 1, Aaron and considering Alfie was still in a mood with me anyway it would be easy enough.

‘Hey Dakota, where’s Adam’ I said slinging my bag into the cuboard

‘Hey love, he’s in the yard with Aaron’ she smiled pulling on her coat

‘Thanks’ I replied

I headed out back, Aaron and Adam were out on the back field playing with a football, it was quite sweet really watching Aaron play around with Adam.

‘Hey’ I said sauntering over ‘whatcha doing?’

‘Teaching him some basics’ Aaron smiled ruffling Adams hair

‘Yeah’ Adam said ‘Aaron teaches me football’

Adam kicked the football away and started chasing after it, whilst Aaron plopped down on the grass next to me

‘It’s sweet what you’re doing for Adam’ I smiled

‘You sound shocked’ he laughed ‘you know I can be nice occasionally’

I rolled my eyes and he punched me playfully on my arm

‘Cheeky’ he muttered

He picked up my hand from the grass and lightly ran circles over my palm with his thumb.

‘You should come watch me play on Saturday’ he murmured

‘I would, but I can’t’ I sighed

‘Why not?’ he said pouting his lip at me

‘I’m off to watch my friend Mason play’ I lied

‘He joined a different club, not ours?’ he asked confused

‘Well’ I said ‘you wouldn’t let him try out’

‘Really, I didn’t? Well how about you tell your friend he can try out, as long as you come and watch me on Saturday?’

Bingo, finally I was getting somewhere

‘That sounds good to me’ I said smiling .

When I got home the gang were in my room already waiting for me, they did this so often it didn’t even surprise me when I walked through my door and they were all sat on my carpet chatting.

‘Hey guys’ I said plonking myself down on the bed

‘Any news’ Katy asked sitting next to me

‘Actually yeah’ I continued ‘Aiden asked me to be editor on his Magazine’

Katy raised her eyebrows

‘Wow’ Roxie added ‘This is perfect’

‘That’s not all though, I got Mason a try out on Saturday ‘I leaned up to see there expressions the girls started screaming and Mason grinned happily.

‘Good work’ Katy stated ‘But now we need to knock it up a level’

‘Yeah’ Roxie agreed ‘I think we need to move onto Aiden now too, especially considering this latest development’

‘I have the perfect plan’ Katy grinned evilly ‘but you’re going to have to be sly to pull this off…’

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