Chapter #8

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Hey, here’s the chapter I promised! I hope you like it, it’s slightly longer than usual there was so much more I wanted to cram into this chapter but I had to end it where I ended itJ. Also I cannot believe I have reached over 1,000 reads, this is a big deal for me and I officially love you all for taking the time to read, comment, vote and fan me! Thank you all, Amber xoxo

Also I love this song - can't wait to see them! & the picture is of Alfie <3

I could not believe I was actually doing this. Was I a bad person now, what would my mum think? This was so not like me.

Aiden had run through his articles with me and I had helped him edit them, it was actually quite fun, when I got to know Aiden more I realised he was pretty easy going, he was on a one way ticket to college and to be fair why not? He had talent that was for sure.

Now here I was, only a couple of hours later, back at his desk, back at his computer, looking for the same files we had only just edited. I found the folder and highlighted all the work with my mouse, then I did it, I couldn’t believe I did it; I deleted all of his work one day before the issue came out. Did it feel good? Did it feel like an accomplishment? No, actually I felt like a bitch.

I came out of his room slowly and carefully. When I could still hear the guys downstairs I let out a breath I didn’t know I was keeping in. Wow, I had actually done it, I had hacked his computer and I had deleted the school newspaper which was due to run in less than a day. I wondered back down the stairs and into the room.

‘How was he?’ Aaron asked from the couch


‘Adam’ he repeated slowly as if I were a three year old myself ‘you were going to check on him, duh’

‘Oh yeah, that. He’s fine’ I smiled. God I was bad at this whole lying thing. ‘I guess I should be going’

‘Wait’ Aaron added ‘I’ll get Alfie to give you a lift’

‘Oh no that’s okay’ me and Alfie hadn’t really spoken much recently

‘No no its fine’ he added running up the stairs calling his brother, great. 

The car with Alfie was awkward he kept tapping his finger impatiently on the steering wheel as though there was something he wanted to say and didn’t quite know how.

‘look’ I snapped getting irritated ‘just whatever it is, say it’

He looked at me for a second

‘Do you like him?’

‘Do I like who?’ I asked incredibly

‘Aaron’ he sighed ‘Do. You. Like. Him?

‘He’s a good friend, I guess’ I shrugged

‘You know what I meant, don’t do that’

‘Don’t do what?’

‘Don’t avoid the question, do you like him?’

‘If I did like your brother, which by the way I don’t, it wouldn’t be any of your business’

‘Your right’ he said pulling up his car to the side of the road by my house (I had to eventually tell them where I lived) ‘now get out the car’

What was that guy’s problem, seriously?

A few hours later I got the call, at first I was surprised as to why Aiden was ringing me at this time of the night but then I realised what I had done and of course who else would be ringing…

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