Chapter #4

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Finally, she meets the last of the Mackenzie brothers, so after this chapter the real work can begin heheheheheh. Thanks for reading, hope you like. Comment and vote! oxo 

 When I finally got in, it took me literally ages to walk from where they dropped me off back to my ‘real’ house, I found the gang waiting for me in my room.

‘Where the hell have you been?’ Katy asked as I popped my head round the door.

‘You don’t even want to know’ I sighed

‘Well… anyways we thought we best come over and discuss plans for the Mackenzie destruction’

‘Destruction’ I asked raising my eyebrow

‘Well yeah, we talked about it, and we figured if we want to make an impact we should totally mess with them. I’m talking about full frontal attack. It’s about time someone stood up to them.’

‘Guys don’t you think your taking this a little… overboard?’ I asked

‘No’ Roxie stated confidently ‘Your new here, you don’t know how horrible they’ve been in the past, they treat everyone like shit, it’s seriously about time something was done’

‘Err, well okay. What exactly have you come up with then’ I asked. Trying not to freak out too much

‘Well, we’ve come up with the rules’


‘Yeah we figured if we are really serious about this we needed to state some ground rules’ Roxie pulled out a folded piece of paper from her rucksack and began reading it out loud.

‘Rule number 1: Don’t get caught, this one’s pretty self-explanatory, you get caught it’s over, everything’s ruined’

She passed the paper onto Katy.

‘Rule number 2: Finish what you start, in other words no backing out, once we’ve agreed on something we have to see it through’

She passed the paper onto Mason

‘Rule number 3:’ he said ‘don’t get involved. Basically stay out of family matters, the more you get involved in family dynamics the harder it will be when you pull out'

'Rule number 4: No extra-curricular activities’

‘What does that mean?’ I asked

‘What she means is no sleeping with the victims’

I couldn’t help but laugh at that one, yeah like that’s likely

‘Rule number 5: Don’t get attached, remember they aren’t your friends’

‘Rule number 6: Always be one step ahead, in other words don’t let yourself be vulnerable, so no heart to hearts, kay?’

‘Rule number 7: Don’t act without consent, try limit rash decisions, no big changes without discussing it with us and making a plan, things will get messy otherwise’

‘Rule number 8: Be cool and causal at all times, so quit blushing’

‘Rule number 9: No secrets, everything will be out in the open here’

‘Rule number 10: Don’t break the rules, that one’s pretty straight forward’

‘Guys…I don’t know, maybe this isn’t a good idea’

‘Zoe, your already trying to break rule 2, then in turn breaking rule 10 and we have barley even started, pull yourself together, all you have to do is be the insider, we will do the rest. You do trust us don’t you?’

‘I guess…’

‘Good, well get some beauty sleep, we need you looking fresh in the morning’ katy sung.

I frowned, what would I need to look fresh for on a Saturday morning.

‘It’s. Your. Second. Day. Tomorrow.’ Mason said slowly, as though I was a total mong.

‘Oh yeah that’ I sighed already wishing it was over.

When I got to the Mackenzie’s palace in the morning I couldn’t help but think there was other things I’d rather be doing on a Saturday morning then babysitting some spoilt brat whilst its mother went to yoga or whatever. But as soon as I was welcomed by Dakota’s warm inviting smile, I felt bad for ever thinking that way.

‘Make yourself comfortable, Adam isn’t up yet, he will be up soon though, you remember where everything is from last time?’ she asked.

I nodded my head and smiled at her.

‘Good, have fun then lovey’ she popped her lipstick into her bag and wondered out of the door, leaving me there alone with my thoughts.

I got bored, fast. I flicked through the many channels they had on their sky box before curiosity got the better of me and I decided to have a nosy around. The house was huge; this was bound to keep me occupied. I slung the baby monitor in my pocket and headed up the stairs.  

After a little searching I came across what was quite possibly my favourite room, it was huge. A library stacked with floor to ceiling bookcases arranged in row upon row. Excitement got the better of me and I couldn’t help running my fingers along the worn spines of the books. This was amazing. I reached the end of the aisle and stopped dead in my tracks. In the corner I could see somebody laying on sofa with a book in their hands, I walked over gently trying not to disturb them, I quickly noticed it was Alfie by his soft brown waves, his eyes were closed lightly, he was asleep. I let out a sigh of relief and stepped back to leave only to stub my toe into a pile of books. I leapt up in surprise to grab my painfully throbbing toe, at the same time I dropped the baby monitor and it crashed to the floor. Alfies head jerked up in surprise and his eyes met mine.

‘Zoe’ he grumbled clearly still dazed ‘what are you doing in my house?’

I spun on my heels and jogged off in the direction I had come, this was too awkward.

‘Zoe, wait’ I heard him call after me, but I ignored it.

As I jogged down the hall, I quickly looked behind to check if he had followed me, he hadn’t. It then dawned on me; my running away act had probably made me look like a crazy lunatic. As I contemplated turning around and explaining myself I ran in a rock hard object and was sent back onto my ass.


I heard chuckles above me and a large muscled hand reached down grabbed my arm and brought me back to my feet. My eyes were level to perfectly sculpted body, I couldn’t resist looking up at the toned abs and defined muscles, I could almost feel myself reaching out and stroking my hand down the chest. 

‘Like what you see’ the cocky voice, broke me from my daze and I looked up to meet the face

‘I’ve been better’ I shrugged as my mind went crazy trying to keep it under control. Remember rule 8, I chanted to myself – cool and casual, cool and causal…  

‘We haven’t met’ he stated winking ‘I always remember a pretty face’

He reached out and grabbed my hand softly; my tiny palm was engulfed by his large hands. He brought my fingers up to his mouth and brushed them softly against his lips.

‘I’m Aaron’

And I almost died.

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