Ch. 6: Mr.Creepy

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Happy Fourth of July! Hope you guys get to spend it with your loved ones and see many fireworks! :D  

Ch. 6 Mr. Creepy

Donna's P.O.V.

I had another nightmare but my brother was in it this time. We were at the Empire State Building and my brother leaned too close to the edge and fell, and I jumped after him. He was screaming and I was trying to catch him. I extended my hand towards him and he reached out for me. I pulled him into my arms, cradling him, and prior to making contact with the ground, something caught us. I am pretty sure it was the distant figure I had seen in my dream the other night. It was strange because I did know what it was, but whenever I thought about it I became calm and a rush of joy swept through me. Within every day I started to think about what Gesto had said about the inhuman thing coming to our country as a possibility. I think this same inhuman creature is the one I dream about and there’s a chance− a slight chance− it could be the same person watching me.

I roamed into the kitchen where my dad said, “Good morning Donna. Don’t forget you cannot go out since you’re grounded for two days.” How could I forget? It turned out Martin had caused a bit of delay and I had worried my parents since I had been over an hour late to the house and would not pick up the phone when they called since it was on silent. I should really thank Martin for this. I frowned. “I know dad. I cannot go out today or tomorrow.” I placed cereal in a bowl and poured milk inside of it, turning to face my mother. “So how’s work?” I asked.

My mom answered, “It’s good. I just have to write a report on New York’s history since I am a new journalist.”

I smiled. “Mom that’s awesome. How about you dad?” I faced him and brought a spoonful of cereal into my mouth.

My dad grinned, “The restaurant is fine but I was thinking if I can open my own we could all work in it, other than Andrew who needs to be older. Still, you can do it for free son.”

Andrew laughed. “No, I’m alright thanks.”

“It would be so much fun though. Please Andrew?” I pleaded.

He glimpsed at me hesitantly and sighed. “Fine, I will do it.” I gave an ecstatic smile and he returned it.

Dad looked at us both, his eyes bright. “I can’t wait. The four of us working together.” My mother then asked dad if he had any ideas and when he told her he did not have any yet, he said he had to leave to work. He hugged Andrew and me, and kissed my mom good-bye, and no later did my mother also leave to her work office to finish her report. I finished my cereal and then Andrew and I sat on the couch by our T.V. He flipped the channels to land on a random one and silence settled in. I looked over at my brother, realizing I never did talk much with him about his story. I scooted closer to him and he glanced at me confusingly. “So Andrew when did you write the story?”

He blushed. “Uh…just before we came here.”

I smiled at him and rested my back on the couch. “Well I really like it. Though at what time did you go to my room?” I turned my head, peering over at him and caught the confusion on his face.

Andrew flinched. “Now that I think of it…I didn’t go to your room and I had ripped the story apart.” What? But the papers are fine. 

“Andrew the papers aren’t even bended.” I pointed out.

He grabbed the story from my hands and stared at it. Turning it over in his hands as if studying the pages. “Oh. I guess it must have been a dream, and maybe I did walk into your room.” I smiled. Alright so he forgot. There’s no reason to think a complete stranger entered the house. He smiled rather nervously and continued staring at the pages. He flipped through the pages for a bit and stood up. “I need to go to my room.” He handed the papers to me and in fast strides he entered his room. I gazed after him and then watched T.V. What else could I do when I’m grounded?

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