Ch.13: Friends

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Well I just want to say thank you for the people reading this and giving it a chance :)  

Also thanks to SimplyDarling for being my first fan and giving me feedback. She's awesome :D

Ch. 13 Friends

Donna's P.O.V.

I smiled wide. Being Angelo's girlfriend would make me the luckiest girl in the world, and he would be all mine now. He held me closer to his body, and I briefly gave a kiss to his wings and his lips. I love everything he is and he is everything I love.

He laughed. "I will take that as a yes?"

"Absolutely." I beamed. He placed the necklace around my neck and I held my hair up as he hooked the necklace together. Once the necklace rested on my chest I released the hair from my grip and turned around to smile at him, giving him a quick peck on the lips. Angelo stayed with me for the rest of the night. He tucked me in and laid down beside me, holding me in his arms as I fell asleep. 

That same Saturday night my usual nightmare suddenly turned into a dream. Angelo and I were having a picnic in Central Park and sharing a sundae while talking about our past. The entire time I was in his arms and looking at the white, fluffy clouds like bundles of cotton in the sky. Then out of nowhere, Angelo grabbed me, and held me close as he shot up into the air. He soared higher and higher until I had a perfect view of New York, and I could not supress a smile. We flew around the Statue of Liberty, the wind whipping through my hair and my finger grazing the water as we dove beneath the Brooklyn Bridge and emerged on the opposite side. We even passed by Times Square and the Ice Skating Rink in the Rockefeller Center, but stopped when we came across the Empire State Building. We hovered above the building for a few seconds, unmoving until Angelo turned to me, his blue gray eyes glinting with affection as he leaned in. I closed my eyes and leaned in too and we almost kissed when Andy licked my face and woke me up.

"I'm up. I'm up." I told Andy as he began barking in excitement and petted him. After going to the bathroom, I treaded to the kitchen, and poured myself some cereal into a bowl and sat down in the living room's sofa. I grabbed the control remote and turned the T.V. on, and a replay of last night's news about a robbery and extinguishing a fire in an edfice was showing on the screen. I grinned, knowing Angelo had somehow helped and gazed down at my necklace, waiting eagerly for night to come.  

At eleven at night, Angelo stopped by momentarily to say hello. Apparently he was extremely busy tonight and I wasn't going to be selfish and make him stay.

I smiled warmly. "Well help as many as you can and stay safe." I kissed his cheek and he gave me a gentle but apologetic smile. 

"I will come back tomorrow, I promise." He gave me one last glance before flying off into the night. I watched him as he left and climbed back into bed with Andy curling up against my legs. I petted him and scratched him behind the ears and quickly fell asleep. Before I knew it, it was morning again. 

Sunday morning I sat on the living room's sofa watching the recent replay of last night's news. There were a couple of robberies, two assaults near the Bronx, and a murder investigation somewhere around Manhattan. So he did have a preoccupying schedule last night. I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat back down on the sofa and guess who appeared on the news? None other than Martin Wheeler. He supposedly helped on half of the robberies according to the reporter's resources. Yeah right he did. I have seen how the state views him as a young hero and role model for the children. What they did not know is that he is a total fake.

Andrew came into the kitchen and sat beside me. "Hey sis."

"Hey," I grinned. His head turned towards the T.V. and he rolled his eyes at the sight of Martin on the screen.

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