Ch.10: Angelo (!!!)

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Ch. 10 Angelo 

Donna's P.O.V.

We were walking Andy through Central Park. He was wagging his tail and barking at every bird he saw. He played with other puppies and ran around us. Andrew took out a tennis ball from his pocket and threw it at a short distance. Andy ran after the ball and tackled it, happily fetching it and returning the ball to Andrew. My brother patted Andy’s head, took the ball and passed it to me. “Throw it.” I nodded, doing as told, and Andy bolted towards it.

As we watched him retrieve the ball I asked Andrew, while attempting not to laugh, “So how exactly are you going to teach Andy to be a guard dog?” A wide smile spreading on my face. Andrew grabbed the ball once Andy returned and threw it again.

He grinned as Andy came back and spit the ball out. “Easy. I will let him spend more time with you so he can learn to love and protect you as much as I do.”

“Aw,” I said.

My brother blushed. He doesn't become emotional often so when he did it was cute. “Yeah, now throw the ball again.”

I tossed the ball further and Andy sped in the ball’s direction. He darted to the ball, gripped it with his teeth, and ran back to us. Now Andy had his tongue hanging out and panting.

“He’s tired. Let’s head home.” Andrew said. I picked Andy up and kissed his head. Then the three of us made our way back home.       

The morning passed quickly and night fell over New York. Andy was sleeping peacefully on my lap and Andrew was watching TV in the living room. My parents were in the kitchen cooking some recipes for the restaurant (in which I visited a few hours ago. It’s really amazing!), and I was doing my homework in my room. I finished my assignment and placed it in my binder, and set it next to my book bag. I trudged into the kitchen with Andy in my arms, and asked my parents.

“Can Andrew and I go for a walk?”

“This late honey?” Asked my dad.

“Yes, just for a little.”

“Why do you want to go?” Questioned my mom.

 Andrew stood up and went to my side. “Because she promised she would see this place with me. It’s close by.” He lied casually. I gave Andrew a grateful smile and his eyes brightened.

“Oh ok,” said my dad.

“Be back before nine and call us every few minutes okay?” My mom added.

“And don’t go too far. Oh and take this.” My dad handed Andrew the baseball bat, and we laughed. I gave Andy to my mom, who smiled wide, probably from his steady breathing and his comforting little heartbeat.

Andrew and I left the apartment and walked a few blocks. Then Andrew asked, “Why did you actually want to go for a walk?”

I glanced at him. “I do want to go for a walk.”

Andrew was puzzled. “I know you and no, you don’t.”

I did not respond and so he stopped walking. A couple of feet ahead of him I came to a halt, and with my back facing him I said, “I want to go to the Empire State Building.”

Andrew did not answer me so I spun around. He just stood there frozen staring off into space. A while passed and he remained quiet. Finally he glimpsed at me and spoke, “So you have seen it too?” Was he talking about the dreams I had about the Empire State Building and the figure?

I watched him incredulously and my voice trembled, “What?”

He knew by looking into my eyes how I knew exactly what he was talking about. “The dreams, Donna. I know you’ve seen them too.”

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