Ch. 3: Guardian of New York

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Ch.3: Guardian of New York

Guardian's P.O.V.

I smiled at the hectic place as it went on with its life. Steady and attentive as usual. The only differences were the new tourists and the few people who had just moved a couple of hours back into the area. The cars honked loudly in traffic jams and the tour guides on buses discussed information with their passengers, about the streets, restaurants, and history about New York. I remained hidden among the shadows of the Empire State Building watching the life unravel below.

If I was to get caught I would be in serious trouble. There's not so much danger since I have a few 'magical' powers but there are still those who can see me. Those who can see me are known as the Destined Blessed Ones. They start to see my kind at the age of five and can actually speak to us at the age of twelve. Nevertheless, they can feel our presence since their birth. It must be complicated for them to have the bizarre feeling where someone is there watching them when their eyes are telling them otherwise. I doubt there are many of these people who can see me in this state however. Most of the people either way do not glance at the sky but at the surroundings around them, not above them. Earth is all what matters since it is at their feet but the sky is far beyond their reach it hardly seems of importance to some of them. Even if there are people who can be careless and sometimes strange, there are also those who can be kind and prudent. I have seen those who perform their daily life with pride, confidence and joy. I have also seen the civilians who help others when they need it and they set aside their preoccupying schedules to aid them. My job though is to both protect and help people who are defenseless and unprotected. Those in danger or harm shall be protected by me and be at ease. I, however, am only one of any of my kind in New York and because there is only one of me, is my worst problem yet. If I have two situations or more happening at once I am most likely going to fail at one of them. Although it's not my intention I make mistakes.

The only thing which actually frustrates me is myself. I cannot tolerate it when I fail my job and fail at protecting others. Lately my partners, the other guardians, have been too occupied with themselves to care about anything else. I can still clearly remember when the poor and innocent child...The car was coming too fast and I was helping a girl drowning in the pool who was on the other side of the city. I tried flying and I flew with all the strength and power I could manage but I had reached the scene too late...I clenched my fists. They should have been there to help me and I should have been faster, somehow I could of. Even if it would have killed me I should have flied swifter. What type of guardian am I if I fail protecting people? I am a creature with misfortune and grief, and when I cannot save others, I doom the people to hopelessness. What's worst is the moment when people forget my kind exists and give up all faith. It hurts to know I stand alone and cannot rescue innocent civilians who pray, plead, and scream for help.

I stared at the dark sky and frowned, as if the other guardians were looking down at me. You could have prevented it. Innocent, and tender souls are put to risk by monstrous and devious people but some of the others of my kind, relax without a worry and if they fail they have no trouble moving on. To them it's just another loss destined to be, but not to me it isn't. No, to me every loss is a puncture in the heart. The agonizing pain of the last cry a person shouts when their life is at its final moments is scarring. The thought alone sends shivers up my spine. I can't keep thinking like this, I must go somewhere where I can get my mind off this. A proper guardian needs to have a clear mind to do things right. I opened my wings, flying high up, while blending with the darkness and the remaining clouds in the sky. I searched for a home with merriness and laughter. Finally, I found it in a white apartment by the Brooklyn Bridge, and on the 26th floor, there was a girl and a boy with their parents in the living room, sitting down together while watching a movie. They were smiling happily at each other until the boy, I'm guessing the brother, began arguing with his sister about a line in the movie and then he began swearing. After a few seconds the girl stood up and went to the small room in the lower part of the apartment and sat on a mattress. She grabbed a red bag with tiny crescents and thunderbolts and pulled a book out from it. She leaned against the wall and started reading. I watched as in the living room the parents were telling the brother to go and apologize to her. He refused and ran to the bedroom next to the small room. The parents looked miserably at each other while the sister read her book with a peaceful look on her face. The girl seemed familiar somehow. Have I met her before? Well, I guess I might as well help them since I'm here and the city seems to be at peace for the time being. I flew onto the roof and into the brother's room through his window. His back was facing me. He was arguing with himself and ripping papers from a booklet he had, and I leaned forward to take a peek at it. It was a story from the looks of it and on the cover it read: To: Donna From: Your brother, Andrew. Andrew threw it across the room and the torn papers scattered everywhere. He stomped out of the room and I hid behind a table. Once he left I gathered the pieces of paper and used my healing ability. This ability can heal certain wounds or repair broken or torn items but I cannot bring people who have passed away back to life. The pieces floated into the air, making a bright glow and when the glowing stopped, the pieces became whole again, falling gently onto my hands. I opened the window, passed through it and entered Andrew's sister's room. What was her name again? I glanced at the papers in my hands. Donna, right. I set the papers on Donna's bed. She'll probably like it since it's a story about a brother and sister who have an adventure together. Hopefully, she will see it as an apology. I turned around, exiting the window and swiftly burst into the sky.

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