Ch. 4: Andrew's Story

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Alright so bear with me lol the story does get interesting soon I promise. Mainly this chapter is about Andrew's story, since I wanted to make him a sensitive but protective guy which I tried to do through his writing, but it's also the introduction of a new character, so even if I'm not too happy with this chapter I still hope you like it :) 

 Ch.4 Andrew’s Story

 Donna's P.O.V.

I walked back into my room and a little gasp escaped from my lips. There was a stack of papers on my bed which were not there before and the most shocking part was that they were from Andrew. I sat on my bed and began reading. The story was about a sister and brother who wanted to go on a quest to the Ancient Mountains of Clacks to prove if a certain legend told about it was true or not, but on the way there the brother loses his sister in the Plain of the Deceivers, a tough maze of grassland. After a while of waiting for his sister to appear once he got out of the plain, he decided it was best to move on and a year later of surviving starvation he reached the summit of the Ancient Mountain of Clacks, and encounters his sister. Then it didn’t matter to him the legend but his reunion with his sister.  

I put the story down and I found myself crying. I dashed out of my bedroom, ran into the kitchen, and hugged Andrew tightly. He asked me what I was doing but I told him I would never let a plain separate us and after understanding what I meant by it, he hugged me too. Who knew my brother was this sensitive and caring this whole time? He peered into my eyes and smiled. The first smile I had seen from him showing true happiness. I returned to my room once Andrew fell asleep, and I ducked under my covers, lying down. I gazed at the ceiling and smiled. New York  is starting to be the new beginning I was hoping for. There is so much I want to do tomorrow…I suddenly cringed and a shiver ran through my body when I felt like I wasn’t alone. Was I being watched? I climbed out of bed and took a step towards the window. Then another and another. My heart was racing and I felt like I could pass out any minute. I pressed myself against the wall and slowly peeked out the window. There was no one outside watching me. The buildings in front of mine had no lights on and there was no movement other than the cars and the people below me. They weren't looking up into my apartment as I expected. Instead they were shopping, talking, eating or walking.They were preoccupied with their own lives like they’re supposed to be. Maybe I’m just a little paranoid. I tucked myself back into bed and closed my eyes when the I-am-being-watched sense returned. I wanted to go search out the window again but was afraid this time I would see them. I pulled the covers over my head and hoped the person would go away. After a few seconds the feeling disappeared and I sighed. Whether I was paranoid or not, I was glad the feeling went away.

It took me a long time to fall asleep but once I did it was hard to maintain asleep. Every few minutes I would remember how vivid the feeling of being stalked felt like and woke up shivering. Then I would breathe deeply and go back to sleep. I wish the night could leave sooner and the morning come quicker, but once it did how could I explain to my parents I had this instinct someone was watching me? There is no chance they would understand, and probably think I’m crazy, or think I felt so homesick I would be fessing up a lie to try to go back to Pennsylvania. They are probably right though, I’m just allowing my emotions to play tricks on my mind and getting worked up over nothing. Still I tried to convince myself I imagined the whole sensation but the feeling would return in my nightmares once I managed to close my eyes and then wake up again. When I dreamed there was some sort of figure gazing down at me from every place I would run to. The figure followed me restlessly and I feared it so much I began believing it wasn’t human. With all these thoughts and dreams, I drought my mind of any remaining energy and drifted to sleep.    

I woke up and glimpsed at the clock, 7:30 in the morning. I fell back onto my bed and sighed. I was still very sleepy and tired because of last night, but no matter how much I attempted to sleep, I couldn’t. I got out of bed, sauntered to the bathroom and then went into my closet to select a navy blue jacket with a white tank top underneath and dark jeans, and threw them on. In the kitchen I found my dad watching the news and my mom preparing breakfast. My mom looked startled upon seeing me, “Donna? Why are you up so early sweetie? Don’t you remember, I told you school starts on Monday?”

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