Ch. 5: Guardian's Visit

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Ch. 5 Guardian's Visit

 Guardian's P.O.V.

I flew more cautious this time. I almost got discovered by that girl, Donna. At least her family is more cheerful now. It was ridiculous of me to have gone inside their house so simply and standing in the same room as Andrew− wait a second. They could not have discovered me but then how did Donna know (sense) I was watching her? Although I only did so to see her reaction towards the story Andrew wrote her. She is most likely a Destined Blessed One. This meaning I must avoid Donna’s family and their building from now on. It is so unfortunate though, since I will not be able to keep as close of an eye on them and protect their family as well as the other humans. Donna just had to be one of the Destined Blessed Ones. She’s the second one I have seen in the city (that I know of). Who was the other one again? Ah, yes, Martin Wheeler. A very peculiar child he is. Since he was small he always stood out. He is different but very courageous and when sets out to do something he accomplishes it with such an outstanding determination. Donna and him would definitely make quite a pair wouldn’t they? I hope they have not met, otherwise one night they can be watching the stars and they so happen to see me in the clouds and give my secret away.

I can always help them forget what they saw but for cases like these, the ‘spell’ or whatever would not be of use when they already told the whole world, since I can't erase all their minds. Still, what if they have met? How do I find out without visiting either of their homes? I sighed. I guess there is no other choice but to visit them. Well Donna’s apartment is closer so I might as well. I swooped into the air and spurted through the apartment’s fortunately open window, hiding in Andrew’s room. Donna was in her bedroom and I flew close to the ceiling and hid in her closet when she went quickly to the kitchen. I tried using the shield I call non-detecting shield since it prevents humans (more specifically Destined Blessed Ones) to avoid sensing my presence. So far it worked. She came back in, sat down on her bed and stared at the ceiling. There was absolutely no sound for some time. Then she mumbled, “New York is so interesting. Between the stalkers and the strangers−” I flinched when she said stalkers. I am not a stalker. I am a guardian. A protector and observer I am, but a stalker I am not.

Donna walked to her window. “Martin is not that bad, and maybe I was being watched because he so happened to be around or something. Maybe I was being watched for a good purpose.” I’m content she realized I mean no harm to her. “Then again, I could have been watched because the person is some kind of creep.” I grabbed the bridge of my nose. Unbelievable. This girl cannot pretend like it never happened. Donna turned around and sat beside her bed, facing the closet. I could finally focus on her features. For a human she was pretty. She had wavy, dark brown hair which reached mid-waist and light brown eyes almost amber, and a fair complexion. She wore casual clothes and seems smart, but also stubborn. Suddenly I felt my shield's energy slowly drain and I could not move. Donna turned her head and her eyes were on the closet. She approached it, her body firm but her gaze trembled. Poor girl is frightened by me. She was already extending her hands for the closet’s door knobs. My body sprung back to life, and I spread my wings and struggled with the shield trying to restrain me from moving. It so happens every time I use this power I always feel week afterwards.

I bolted up and soared into the sky and remained in the clouds. I gripped my chest, feeling random pain there and flapped my wings while watching Donna’s face turn to shock and astonishment when she found the closet empty. She plopped on her bed and closed her eyes. I glided as fast as I could through the clouds, (since I had already gotten the information I needed and almost got caught, so why not leave?). I was so close to the Empire State Building but I grew too tired and my wings stopped moving. I instantly dropped and just two yards before hitting the sidewalk I was able to pull up and fell back into an alleyway. There were trashcans and cardboard boxes in a corner, and I hid behind them, waiting for my body to regain its strength again. I breathed heavily at first and when a few seconds passed it became steady. My body gained a bit of energy and I used it to fly to the Empire State Building. Once I flew through the open window and landed, I clutched onto it and sat down. The city was alright, thank goodness. I glanced at the white apartment building by the Brooklyn Bridge and smiled. You Donna, are going to be my greatest trouble yet.       

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