part sixteen the new hot guy is my mate?

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sorry for making you wait...

and the story is official off-hold!! :D





I was looking at the picture of Elbereth and I was feeling the rage

building up inside me.

Someone had put right where her head was a big X......

Whoever did this has also send me a message :

“You are so lucky for having such a beautiful mate

so lucky that I am feeling jealous...

Maybe I am going to steal her away from you....

Or maybe you could take her to your country and leave

the pack of those weak werewolves that you and your father support...

Because I am feeling generous today I am going to let you think about it

for a whole week...

Make sure that you have chosen the right thing otherwise

your little fragile human mate is going to die....

Your real enemy”

I sensed her looking at me with big eyes

and I could feel her curiosity for the paper with the threatening letter

“Whats that?”she asked me

and what the heck should I answered her???

what about that its a threatening letter for your life and

that an unknown sick bastard wants to kidnapped you

or a better one

I will tell her that there

are two option left for her

or to throw away her life and come with me

or throw away her life '

and let an asshole to kidnaper her...

no that's there is anyway to let

actually something like that

to happened....

okay I found what I tell her

“Whats what?” I know not and a very smart answer but whatever

She gave an impatient look and she asked me again

“Whats it's written at the paper that you hold?”

“Oh that nothing special a message from my father”


“So are you ready to meet the pack of the werewolves?”

“why I have to do something like that?

I mean c'mon I don't need to meet them

I don't even like them...”

“ I don't like them either but I need to be sure that they

will protect you if something happened

and also to make sure that now you are my mate so none can

can hurt you”

“ OK I guess I have to..

the new hot guy is my mate?and he is a vampire?just perfectWhere stories live. Discover now