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Friday, November 7, 2011

"So, I'll see you later?" Harry asked and I felt a smile creep onto my face.

"Yeah." He smiled and we stood in front of my door, a comfortable silence falling between us. I put my key in the door and when it unlocked, I turned to face Harry again. "Do you wanna come in?" I bit my lip a little and he nodded, following me inside.

"Is Lucas here?" Harry asked with a small smirk and I shook my head, setting my bag down on the counter.

Harry wrapped his strong arms around my waist and I smiled a little, putting mine around his neck. He stared into my eyes and I shyly looked away from his heavy stare. Harry laughed a little and I toyed with the hair on the nape of his neck, the small curls slipping through my fingers. He bent down a little and grabbed the back of my thighs, lifting me up. I let out a small squeal and Harry laughed, setting me on the kitchen counter. He stood between my legs and nudged his nose on my neck before pressing a light kiss in the same spot.

"Twenty questions, go." Harry whispered and I quirked an eyebrow. "Fine. I'll start. Favorite color?"

"Grey. Favorite animal?" I questioned and Harry smiled, a thoughtful look on his face.

"Penguins. What do you like about me?" I laughed a little at his question and thought for a moment.

"When I'm with you, you distract me from all the shit going on in my head." I said quietly, almost embarrassed. "What do your tattoos mean?"

"Many things, babe. To many to count." Harry laughed and I traced the cross on his left hand.

"You called me babe." I whispered, a smile finding its way to my face. "I like it."

"Well, good, because I like calling you that." Harry gave me a small kiss. "Babe," He added making me giggle against his lips.

"Can I show you something?" I asked, biting my lip and Harry nodded, stepping back thus allowing me to hop down from the counter.

I grabbed his hand and led him through the house, out to the back porch. We ducked under a low hanging branch and into the small woods behind the house. I gripped Harry's hand tighter as we got closer to the place that I have been coming for years. We finally made it to the large willow tree and I pushed back a few of the branches so we could go into the area that was sheltered by vines and leaves. I climbed up a small spot and motioned for Harry to follow my lead. We settled in the tree and I looked at him nervously awaiting a reaction.

"This is where I get away from everything." I explained and Harry nodded, taking in his surroundings.

"How'd you find it?"

"I got in an argument with Lucas and needed to just get out of the house." I shook my head at the memory and kept my eyes on my hands that settled in my lap.

"Do you like living with your brother?" Harry cocked his head to the side and I shrugged.

"I mean, it's better than having to go to a foster home or something, but if it weren't for the circumstances," Referring to my parents abandoning me. "I probably wouldn't choose to live with Lucas. Me and him couldn't be any more different from each other."

"I would love to live with my sister." Harry smiled and swung his legs back and forth like a child. "I think you would like her."

"Yeah?" I asked and he nodded, looking over at me. "Well, if she's anything like you, she must be wonderful." I don't know where all of this flirtiness was coming from, but I kinda liked it.

"You think I'm wonderful?" Harry teased and nudged my shoulder with his muscular one, making me lose my balance for a moment. "You're pretty cool."

"Pretty cool?" I snorted. "You sure know how to make a girl feel special." I joked and Harry feigned offence.

"I like to think I am very charming." I laughed at Harry and toyed with my sleeves. "Why are you always so quiet at school and not with me?"

"I'm comfortable around you." I shrugged and Harry stared at me a moment before looking straight ahead. "Have you talked to Robin?" I asked, steering the conversation away from me and Harry sighed a little. His eye wasn't bruised anymore and the small cut was healing on his cheek. As for his knuckles, they were still bruised.

"No, when he's home, I go somewhere else." Harry said quietly and I frowned. "He's always drank but I never thought he would get so drunk that he would do that."

"I'm sorry, Harry." I said and he gave me a small smile before wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "How was Louis' house?"

"Fine." Harry answered, curtly, and I furrowed my eyebrows, peeking up at him. "They're just being assholes about me hanging out with you so much. Again."

"Oh." I mumbled, not really knowing what to say. I don't want to come between Harry and his best friends. I mean, he's known them longer and probably likes them more than me. "Um, it's getting late, we should probably get back."

I didn't give Harry time to respond before I was hopping down from the branch and onto the leave littered ground. He jumped down too, stumbling a bit over his feet, but straightening out and reaching for my hand. I pretended not to notice his attempt at contact and crossed my arms over my chest, almost protectively, and began walking back towards the house. Harry followed silently and we finally got to my house, going back in through the porch. I led the way to the front door and Harry watched me unlock the door before I looked down at the floor.

"I'm not gonna stop hanging out with you just because of what they said." It was as if he was reading my mind and I looked up at him.

"I don't want your friends to give you shit about me. You've known them longer. I don't want you to choose." I rambled and Harry laughed a little, taking my face in his large hands.

"You talk to much, Ms. Martin." Harry laughed a little and I felt my cheeks flush as he leaned down and gave me a quick kiss. "I gotta go."

"I'll see you later." We walked outside and Harry automatically paled when he noticed a black mustang sitting outside of his house. "Harry? What's wrong?"

"Go back inside." Harry said, shakily and I furrowed my eyebrows. "Evie, please just go inside and I'll call you later."

"Harry, what are you talking about?" I asked and he turned to face me. "I'm not going to go inside unless you tell me what's happening and why you are acting like this."

"Evie, please. I'll explain everything to you later but please go inside and lock all the doors and windows. If anyone tries to come in, get out." Harry stared me down and I felt fear wash over me.

"What the hell, Harry?" I asked as he pushed me inside the house.

"Please, Ev, fuck. I'll call you in an hour, okay?" He left me, confused, with a kiss and he ran across the street to his house. Seeing as he sounded terrified, I did as he said, locking the doors and windows, and went to my room where I could see his house. What is going on?

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