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Monday, November 10, 2011

Harry smiled at me before we got out of my car and made our way inside the school. He intertwined our fingers and I situated my body closer to his when we walked through the hallways. Even though we've been dating for at least a month, people still stare at us in school. I kept my head down and we finally got to my locker, Harry leaning up against the one next to mine. I grabbed my sketch book, psychology notebook and History book before shutting the locker and walking in the direction of first period.

"What are you doing after school?" Harry asked and I shrugged, looking over up at him.

"Nothing, like usual." I laughed a little and he smiled, grabbing my hand again. "Why?"

"My mum is out of town tonight." He smirked and I felt my cheeks flush at his suggestion. "You should come over."

"I guess I can fit it into my schedule." I teased as we sat down in History and Harry laughed. "Only if you cook me dinner."

"Will do."

The bell rang and class started, beginning the boring hour of hell. Harry kept kicking my leg as we took notes and I glared at him, trying to concentrate on the topic. Even though I hate history, I've been borderline C all year and I can't fail. It would ruin all chances to get a scholarship to any university that is far away from this town. Class finally ended and me and Harry went our separate ways to second period. Everyone stared at me as I walked down the hallway and I spotted Liam standing at his locker. He made eye contact with me and concern wrote itself across his face. Liam grabbed my arm and pulled me next to him, making me furrow my eyebrows.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I shook my arm from his grasp.

"Um, yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I wondered and he sighed, pulling his phone out.

"Okay, don't freak out, Ev." He chewed his lip nervously and handed me the phone, YouTube open with a video ready to be played.

I clicked play and my stomach immediately dropped. The video was of Louis and I having sex in his room. It was obviously taken from his computer that has always sat on his desk and it faced the side of the bed. You could tell that it was me from the blue hair and from Louis' tattoos. I put a hand to my mouth and Liam just looked at me with disappointment in his eyes. I looked up and almost everybody in the hall was staring at me or laughing. I shoved the phone back in his hands and pushed through the crowded hallways, to the bathroom. I shut the door behind me and was immediately faced with three girls in my grade, watching me with amused looks on their faces.

"Looks like you've fucked both of the punks." Julie, the captain of the cheer leading squad, laughed and I gulped, fumbling with my sweater sleeves.

"Who knew you could even get one guy at all." Angie said and I moved to go into the stall but Sarah stopped me.

"It's funny, Evelyn," I cringed at my full name. "how you never talk at school but you are one of the loudest people I've heard when you're with Louis."

They finally left the bathroom and I paced the floor after locking the whole room so that nobody could come in in the midst of me being like this. I pulled my phone out and went to Twitter to see my mentions blowing up. Through all of the abuse I noticed that Harry tweeted a couple minutes ago and said 'you think you know somebody'. I felt tears prick at my eyes and I finally composed myself to leave and try and make it to second period. I bumped into a chest as I walked out and I looked up to see Louis with wide eyes. I shoved past him, not wanting to deal with this and he grabbed my arm, making me turn around.

"Get the hell off me, Louis." I said through clenched teeth and he let out a frustrated sigh, running a hand through his hair. "You fucking videoed us. How could you do that to me?"

"You think I meant for that to get out from my computer?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"You shouldn't have even had it in the first place." I exasperated. "Just leave me alone."

"Wow." I spun around to see Harry standing in the hallway with his arms crossed over his chest. "Out of all people it had to be my best friend. Are you really that fucking low, Evie?"

"You think I cheated on you?" I asked, my voice breaking.

"Well, according to your little sex tape, you did." He snapped and I felt my hands start to shake as panic began to course through me. "God, do you think that I'm that stupid?"

"Harry," He cut me off and began walking away.

"Have fun with your whore, Louis. She might kill herself before you get another go at it though." Harry didn't give me a second glance before he walked into a classroom.

I shoved past Louis and went to class, immediately getting stares as I sat down in the back. I sunk deeper in my seat and tears threatened to fall from my eyes when people would whisper about me. As soon as the bell rang, I bolted out of class and down the hallways, keeping my eyes on the dirty tile floors. Once in psychology, I watched Harry walk in and roll his eyes at me before sitting on the opposite side of the classroom. 


Wednesday, November 12, 2011

"Ev?" I heard Lucas call out and I curled into myself, wiping my mouth with a tissue to get the vomit off. "Your school called and said you left early. What's wrong?"

He knocked on the bathroom door and I sniffled, tears streaming down my face. After a couple minutes, Lucas poked his head into the bathroom and his face fell into a state of shock at the situation I was in. My hands were shaking as I tried to open the bottle of pills and I had thrown up at least two times with makeup running down my cheeks. Lucas slowly stepped forward and put his hands over mine, trying to get the bottle out of my hands. He finally got the pills out of my grip and tossed the bottle into the hallway, making more sobs fall from my mouth.

"No." I sobbed and he just kept telling me that it was okay as he pulled me into his arms, to the floor.

Before I knew it, bile was making its way up my throat and I lurched forward, emptying the contents of my stomach into the toilet. Lucas pulled my hair back and made it into a loose ponytail. I coughed a couple times and finally leaned my forehead on the toilet seat, heavy breaths leaving my lips.

"I don't want to do this anymore." I whispered.

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