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Wednesday, November 12, 2011

Harry gripped my hand as we walked out of the woods and to my backyard. I noticed that my parents car was gone but I didn't go inside. I leaned my head on Harry's shoulder when we made our way across the street and to his house. Anne was working late so we could hang out by ourselves without any interruptions. Harry led me to the living room and he sat down on the couch before patting the spot next to him. I sat down, tucking my legs under my butt, and leaned my head on his shoulder, sighing in content as Harry wrapped his arm around my shoulders. He kissed my forehead and I closed my eyes, happy that there were no family arguments or yelling or crazy parents. My phone started ringing and I slowly pulled it out of my pocket to see Lucas's name on the screen.

"Hey," I said quietly into the receiver and he sighed.

"Ev, where are you?" Lucas asked and I looked up at Harry to see him staring down at me.

"I'm staying with Harry tonight. I promise that I'll come home tomorrow, but please just leave me alone tonight." Lucas sighed again and I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Lucas, please give me one night to think."

"Promise to come home after school tomorrow?" He asked.

"I swear. I'll see you tomorrow." He said goodbye and I hung up, returning my attention to Harry. "Are you sure you don't mind me crashing here?"

"Yeah, I love having you around." He smiled at me and I nodded, casting my eyes downward.

Harry tugged my arm so that I was laying down and he did the same, our chests pressed together as we tried to fit on the small couch. He combed through my hair with his fingers and I closed my eyes, exhaustion coursing through me. I've barely slept in the last three days because of everything that has happened and I felt as though I could pass out any second.

"Why'd you leave early today?" Harry wondered, quietly, and I took a deep breath, not really wanting to tell him about what happened at home.

"I couldn't handle what everybody was saying." I whispered, ashamed of how weak I was.

"Babe," Harry's voice faltered and I looked up at him. "It was a mistake you made six months ago. Louis shouldn't have even had the video in the first place. Don't listen to them."

"It's not that easy when that's all anyone talks about at school." I muttered, fumbling with my sweater sleeve. "God, I was so pathetic."

"How did your arrangement even start?" He laughed a little and I closed my eyes.

"After my parents left, I partied a lot and one night Louis and I were super drunk and he took my virginity. We just met up every party after that and it became a regular thing. I never thought it would go on that long." I trailed off, embarrassed that I was discussing my previous sex life with his best friend. "I'm sorry."

"I'm not mad." Harry shook his head and I half smiled, tracing a tattoo on his bicep. "You look tired."

"No shit, Sherlock." I said sarcastically and he laughed, drawing small circles on my lower back.

"Well, lucky for you, I'm fucking exhausted so let's go to bed."

I laughed as Harry jumped up and tossed me over his shoulder, my head resting on his lower back. Harry walked to his room, tapping a random beat on my butt as he went and I pinched his hip. Harry twitched and I stifled a laugh when he threw me down onto his bed. He threw his shirt and jeans in the hamper, leaving him in black boxers. I tugged off my jeans and sweater after he tossed me one of his t-shirts, slipping it over my head. The shirt hung down to my mid thighs and Harry smiled, taking in my appearance. We got under the covers after he turned the lights out and Harry threw his leg across my waist, trapping me to his body. I giggled and he kissed me, trailing his hands up the large t-shirt. He suddenly squeezed my hips causing me to squirm in his hold.

"I swear to god if you tickle me-" Harry cut me off by roaming his hands up and down my sides.

I was laughing uncontrollably to where tears were coming out of my eyes and Harry smiled, pulling himself up to hover above me. I tried to kick him off and suddenly Harry yelped, his hands flying down to hold his privates. My laughing ceased and he whined, plopping down next to me.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." I watched as he cupped his balls and groaned in pain.

"You told me not to tickle you but I had to." He choked out and I laughed a little. "Goddamn, are you a kick boxer?"

"Are you okay?" I giggled and he shot me a glare, still curled up in a big, tattooed ball of boy. "Do you want me to kiss it better?" I asked in a pretend baby voice and Harry stared at me with wide eyes, actually considering my offer.

"Really?" He asked with raised eyebrows and I rolled my eyes, playfully shoving his shoulder.

"Another time." I promised and he huffed, pulling me into his arms once again.

"You got me all excited for nothing." He pouted and I gave him a quick kiss. "My mum won't be home for a while. We can do what was supposed to happen on Monday."

Harry wiggled his eyebrows at me and I laughed a little, swinging a leg across his waist to straddle him. I leaned down to kiss him and he smiled against my lips, reaching up to brush hair off my face. I sat back up to pull the shirt off and Harry immediately latched his hands to my hips. We started our little make out session and undergarments slowly made their way to the carpeted floor. I grabbed the base of him and slowly sunk down, a breathy moan leaving my lips. Harry sat up, pulling my body flush up against his as we moved our hips in rhythm and I leaned my forehead on his shoulder as pleasure coursed through my body. Harry attached his lips to my neck, leaving bruises on my skin while I tangled my fingers in his hair.

"Oh my god, I love you." Harry breathed out and I completely stopped what I was doing.

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