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Saturday, February 7, 2015

I giggled against Harry's lips as we stumbled into my apartment and he laughed, kicking the door closed behind him. He pushed me up against the door, pulling my body up against his, and pressed his lips to mine. I smiled into the kiss and tangled my fingers in his hair, giving it a small tug. We maneuvered to my bedroom and I shut the door behind us, pulling away from the kiss to take a breath.

"Even though you look great in red, that dress is gonna have to come off." Harry breathed out and I smiled a little.

He turned me around and I quickly took my hair out of it's braid updo, letting it fall in waves over my shoulders. Harry yanked the zipper down, letting the dress fall to the floor in a puddle and I turned around to face him. He smirked and tugged me closer to him. I reached up and untied his tie, tossing it to the ground and unbuttoning his white dress shirt. It slid off his shoulders and I noticed a couple new tattoos adorning the tan skin. He undid his belt and kicked off his pants along with the shoes and I stepped out of my black heels.

"I'm really digging this purple hair." Harry said as he pushed me down onto the bed and I smiled a little, wrapping my arms around his neck as he hovered above me.

"I like yours long." I twirled a curl around my finger and he leaned down to kiss me.

Harry ran a hand up my stomach, his fingers brushing the scarred skin and he moved it down to my thigh, tugging my leg up to wrap around his waist. I leaned my head back as he pressed his lips down my neck and he hummed against my skin, finding my sweet spot. I moaned a little as he bit down and left a mark, making his way down my body. He tugged my black underwear down and I felt my cheeks flush when he smirked. Just as Harry was about to move his head lower, I stopped him.

"No foreplay tonight." I breathed out and he just smiled, coming back up to be face to face with me.

He reached around me and I arched my back as he unclipped my strapless bra, tossing it across the room. I grabbed the hem of his boxers and swiftly tugged them down his legs, him kicking them the rest of the way off. Harry intertwined out hands on either sides of my head and I gave him a nod of reassurance before he pushed into me. I released a breathy moan at the familiar stretch and Harry buried his face in my neck, occasionally leaving a kiss while he thrusted.

"Fuck," He swore. God, did I miss this.


"Can I ask you something?" Harry asked quietly and drug a hand up and down my back. I nodded and looked up at him. "Did you sleep with anyone while we were broken up?" He wondered and I cast my eyes downward.

"One guy, but I was drunk." I mumbled and he nodded. "You?"

"When Gemma got married, I hooked up with the maid of honor. That's it, though." He said, looking down at me. "I didn't expect you not to. I would have been an asshole if I thought you wouldn't move on."

"I never really moved on, to be honest." I muttered, catching his eye. "When I saw you at the bar a couple months ago, I was back where I started."

"Me too." He admitted and I smiled a little, drawing circles on his chest. "We can wait a while to get married, if you want."

"I don't care." I looked down at the ring on my left hand and Harry smiled, intertwining our fingers. "Did Gemma help you pick out the ring?"

"Pshh," He laughed. "No." I knew he was lying so I rolled my eyes. "Okay, maybe she helped a little."

"Mhmm," I laughed, laying my head on his chest. He ran his fingers through my hair and I sighed in content. "Do you have to work tomorrow?"

"No, you're stuck with me all day." I smiled as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders, tangling our legs together. "I've really missed you, Ev." Harry whispered.

"I've missed you too." I said quietly, craning my head to look up at him. Harry leaned down and gave me a small kiss before lying back on the pillow.

He flipped me over so that my back was to his chest and he wrapped his arm around my waist. I intertwined my fingers with his and he pressed a kiss to my shoulder that was covered by his dress shirt. I let out a breath and closed my eyes, feeling exhaustion take over. Harry tugged the covers over us and I cuddled back into his warm chest.

"Harry?" I asked quietly and he hummed. "When you sang that song at the bar, was it for me?"

"Yeah, I almost shit myself because you were there." He muttered and I laughed a little. "I love you."

"I love you too, Haz." I whispered.

"I'm never leaving you again." He mumbled into my neck, his breath hitting my cheek and I smiled a little, closing my eyes. "I'm sorry about everything."

"Don't apologize."

"I should have tried to get you back sooner and maybe we would already be married."

"Quit blaming yourself, Harry. I think we both just needed time to figure some stuff out. We were grieving and maybe being together wasn't the best thing for us."

"Since then, I haven't gotten high or drank anything. I didn't want to hurt anyone else." He trailed off and I frowned, pressing a kiss to the back of his hand.

"I'm proud of you, Harry."

"Completely off topic, but can we sleep in tomorrow?" I laughed and nodded.

"Course, babe." I mumbled, my eyes beginning to droop. "Night, Haz."

"Night, Ev." He whispered and I finally fell asleep in the arms where I felt at home.

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