Chapter 5

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It seems as though morning comes all too soon. I get up and throw on my robe and as I’m about to leave the room I realize that Peeta’s still in the bed. It’s not like him to be sleeping when I get up so I go to wake him.

“Peeta, wake up. You’ll be late.” He rolls over and throws the pillow over his head. “Peeta Mellark, don’t you ignore me!” I take the pillow from him and throw all of covers off the bed. He rubs his eyes and says,

“Katniss, it’s Saturday, I don’t open until 1:00 today.”

“Oh sorry, I forgot.” I should have let him sleep in regardless of what day it is because of what happened last night.

“That’s okay,” he says as he gets out of bed. “Go on down stairs and start to get breakfast ready. I’ll be down in a bit.” I go down to the kitchen and start to scramble some eggs and make hot chocolate, something that Peeta and I discovered on the first train to the Capital. The sweetness of the milk and chocolate start to draw people to the kitchen. Gale comes in first.

“Good morning,” he says. I look up and see that, unlike me, he’s dressed and ready for the day.

“Morning. Did you have a good night sleep?” I reply as I throw some eggs on a plate and hand it to him. He grabs a fork from one of the drawers and goes to sit down.

“Yeah that bed is really comfortable.” Peeta comes in carrying Benit and he puts him in his highchair.

“Is that so?” I ask Gale.

“Yeah, have you ever slept in it? It’s like sleeping on a cloud!” I laugh.

“No, I don’t think I’ve ever slept on that particular bed but I’ll take your word for it,” I sit a cup of hot chocolate in front of him.

“Thanks. Hey Peeta how are you feeling this morning?” Peeta gives him a confused look but then it seems as though everything that happened last night is dawning on him again.

“I’m fine. Thanks for asking.” He comes over to help me and in no time everyone’s at the table and eating their breakfast.

“So what are you planning to do today, Katniss?” my mother asks.

“Well I thought I’d go hunting for awhile then I’m going to go with Peeta to the bakery. What about you?”

“I’m going to drop by the doctor’s office.” I scowl at her.

“For who?”

“Annie, I just thought she should have a little checkup.” I look over at Annie for conformation but she’s off in her own world right now. I nod and clear my plate.

“I’m going to go get ready.”

“Oh Mama could I come? Please?” Jay pleads. I look at Peeta and he gives me a little smile like he had been anticipating this.

“Sure, go get dressed.” She dashes out of the room and I follow her. Five minutes later I’m handing her one of my spare bows and were are walking out the door.

“Do you think I’m going to shoot anything today?” Jay asks anxiously. She sounds exactly like me from when my father took me out for the first time.

Okay so maybe I do know how she can be related to me. I think to myself.

“You were pretty good yesterday so I’d say the odds are in our favor,” I reply but then remember how Peeta is in the woods and laugh. “Unless you’ve inherited your father’s heavy footsteps!” She gives me a weird look and I clear my throat and move on, “The key is to be quiet and sure footed. Plus you have to listen to me and stay by my side all the time. I’ve been hunting in these woods a long time and trust me if you don’t know your way it’s easy to get lost.”

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