Chapter 21

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“Katniss I understand what you’re suggesting but…”

“Then why won’t you let it go through? You’re head of the council you’ve got that kind of power.”

“Yes but it’s too risky. I can’t put my country’s troops in that kind of danger.”

“What?! We’re not using your troops we’re using our troops and I still don’t see what’s wrong with my faster plan!” I’m just about to jump across the table and claw Bridget’s little brown eyes out and everyone else in the room knows it.

“We’re using both yours and our troops. But can’t you see what Bridget is saying? If we send in everyone at once not only would it be too obvious but we’d also have so many more casualties. The more casualties there are the higher chance there is that only less than a hand full of kids will make it out of the arena. We need to look the least conspicuous as possible. Does that make sense?” Shawn explains to me so that I don’t try to shorten his sister’s lifespan. Since the moment we walked in the door I liked him better so since he explained it I’m finally able to get it through my head that we’re not using my plan.

“Yeah. So what do you suggest we do?” I ask him.

“I think I might have an idea that will suit everyone…”


“Jay! ....... Jay! …….. Jay! …….” I can hear the mockingjays calling my name outside of the bakery. Papa laughs as I drop what I’m doing to go look for them. In the twilight all I can see is trees, wonderful glorious trees! Mama’s by the river watching Benit splash around in the shallow part.  Papa takes my hand and leads me outside to where they are. He leans down and kisses Mama before pulling a bag of cookies out from behind is back. My mouth waters as I stare at the bag. I can still hear the faint call of the mockingjays as he hands me a cookie. I bite into it and find that it’s filled with raspberry jam. But as I continue to eat, it begins to taste less and less sweet and more and more metallic like blood. I look up at Papa to ask what he put in the cookie but once I say the first word he disappears. I turn to Mama to see if she knows what happened to Papa but the minute the first syllable leaves my mouth she disappears too. I run over to Benit but before I can even touch him he bursts into flames. I quickly try to put the fire out to save him but every drop of water makes the flames grow higher and stronger. Yet for some reason I don’t stop. Mockingjays screech my name as the fire reaches me and spreads all through my body. I scream for help but no one comes. I scream again and the flames that I see are extinguished by darkness even though the feeling continues to rage throughout me.

“Jay….. Jay……Jay……” the call begins to sound more human than mockingjay “Jay……Jay…….” I know that voice, it’s Nate. I try to open my eyes to see him to tell him I’m okay and that it was just a nightmare but I can’t. It’s like my eyes are glued shut. I try to move but I’m being held down by something. “Jay! Stop it! Stop trying to move!” And then everything comes back to me in a slideshow of images. Winslet telling me that Nate loves me, Winslet storming away, Remus and Indigo coming, the first arrow flying, the screaming, blood coming by the gallons, the cliff, the adrenalin, the pain, the cannons, Winslet coming back, the darkness, it all comes back so fast I can just barely comprehend it. I try to move again and this time I’m not being held down. I roll over onto my side just to find myself screaming and gasping for breath. The fire’s back but it’s now found one single place in my body to burn, my chest. No matter how hard I try I can’t seem to get enough air in my lungs. I’m jolted upward into a sitting position and a strong force comes down onto by back making a warm thick metallic liquid spew from my mouth. I can’t take it anymore! I force my eyes open and find myself staring at a puddle of blood. The force slams down onto my back again and more of my blood pours from my mouth. I try to crawl away only to be held firmly in place. “Keep her sitting up so that she’ll stop choking,” Nate orders. A pale and worried version of Winslet appears in front of me. Her tired eyes fill with tears when she sees my face.

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