Part Three: The Race

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                  “After doing much work on looking into the security of Game Central and Melody’s headquarters we’ve come to the conclusion that this operation is going to be much harder than we had planned it to be. Notice how I said harder but not impossible.” Peeta, me, Gale, Haymitch, Johanna, and the rest of Fyron’s team listen to him talk about what he’s planned to do. He’s been working on finding a plan before we even got here so I’m glad he finally has one. I just wish he’d tell us. I was going to ask but he said no interruptions during his presentation.  And let me just say his presentation has been going on for twenty minutes now. Fyron is one of those people that just doesn’t know when to shut up. “And now I will tell you just how we’re going to do it.” I sigh in relief. Well it’s about time.


                  Quince and I quietly wait hand-in-hand in the launch room for the countdown to begin. I’m glad for the silence. I wasn’t able to sleep last night and all I want is some peace before running into battle.

                  “I know you can do it,” Quince says, breaking the silence with his beautifully sweet yet strong voice. Oh how I’ll miss his voice.

                  “You think so?” I look up into his blue eyes for the first time this morning.

                  “I’m positive.”


                  “Yes. Now Jay I have something to say. You might not think it’s the best idea but just listen.” I nod slowly and he goes on. “Make an alliance with Nate Odair. And whenever you’re in doubt think of what your mother or father would do.” He unbuttons a secret pocket on my jacket and reveals my mother’s mockingjay pin. I sit there and play with my father’s necklace, trying to find a good reply as he waits for me to say something.

                  “Thanks Quince. For the advice and everything else.”

                  “So you’ll do it?” he asks optimistically.

                  “Yeah, I trust your judgment. Besides I saw him in training. He’s great.” Quince smiles and hugs me.

                  “I’m gonna miss you Jay. Even if I know I’m going to see you afterwards it’s still going to be hard to watch.”

                  “Ten seconds until launch,” a woman’s voice announces over the intercom. I panic and wrap my arms tighter around Quince.

                  “I’m going to miss you too,” I whimper into his chest. He gently pries me off and gives me a kiss on each cheek, the same thing he did when we first met. I know it’s time to get on the platform but I don’t want to.

          “Go kick some butt Jay. Make me proud.” He takes a step back and I go to stand on the platform. A glass tube closes around me and I whip around to face Quince. He gives me an encouraging nod just before the platform begins to rise.

I squeeze my eyes shut so I can keep his face implanted in the front of my mind. When the platform comes to a stop I instantly feel the hot dry air making my clothes cling to me. My eyes fly open in a panic of not knowing what kind of arena I’m in. I’m instantly blinded by the blazing sun but once I get my eyesight back I take a good look around. There’s the Cornucopia in the center and the tributes are strategically placed in a circle around it. Other than that all I can see is golden sand below and a clear blue sky above. Once I’ve taken all of this in my gaze makes a full circle around the tributes until I find Corren who’s the very next tribute to my left. I can tell right away that the temporary blindness that the sun caused me hasn’t worn off on him yet. He loses his balance and my warning cry is just reaching my lips when he falls off his platform. A giant gust of wind blows up from the sand beneath him and he’s jolted up into the air. A loud zap echoes throughout the arena as his limp body smacks the top of the dome. He falls back down faster than her flew up and a lifeless Corren falls right in front of me. The smell of singed flesh fills my nose. I know I should feel fear or sadness but I don’t. The only thing that comes is rage. And it comes so strong I think I’m about to explode.

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