Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Anyone who reads my story <3

Sometimes, I sit and think. Wondering what it would be like. What being free feels like. If i were only a normal teenager...

I sat alone at the small table, waiting for my only friend to arrive with his lunch. For someone with supernatural powers, he was actually really slow. As i waited, i glanced over at the silent guards standing placid in different parts of the large caffeteria. the expressions on there faces were all the same. Like a pleague had spread through each and every one of them. Adamant and focused.

I tore my gaze away from them, and as i did so, someone sat down infront of me. i jumped.

"Christian," i breathed. "You scared me..."

I'm sorry, i didn't mean to," He apologized, digging into his lunch.

We were always beat after or vigourse morning training classes. Afternoon periods were even worse. we would train constantly. Every person with the same talent, was put in the same class, aside from the sepration in ages once you advanced from the bronze stage to the silver stage,and then later on, to the gold stage. The institute we attend, and board at, is the Institute for Gifted Beings with Supernaturaul Abilities. (I.G.B.S.A. for short)

"Hello? Is anyone home?" Christian chuckled, waving a hand with long, graceful fingers, infront of my face.

"Oh, I'm sorry Christian. I guess I'm just not with it today," I put my head in my left hand, and rested my elbow on the table.

"I've noticed. What's up with you?" he looked woried.

"I don't know. i guess i'm just stressing out over finals on friday," I sighed. Today was wednesday. Two more days.

"Need a study buddy? 'cuz i sure do." he chuckled. His dark green eyes were intent on my caliginous, amber ones, his black hair hung slightly over his eyes. I was tempted to brush it away. He unconciously leaned over the table, intent on kissing me. i turned my head, and as i did, i saw heads turned this way. i had to look away before i got myself in trouble by starting a fire. See, every 'student' here has a supernatural power. mine is Pyrokenisis, the ability to create and minipulate fire, i can also move objects with my mind. (telekinisis)

Christian posseses the power of telekinisis.

sorry it's so short... comment!!!!!!

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