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Henryetta (Etta) Bishop had always knew that her parent's jobs weren't normal ones. But when she got mad at them for leaving her all alone, she couldn't help herself, and she ended up spying on them. She was, well, shocked to see what they really do.

"Peter, this is a big problem, that, quite frankly, we can't face alone. We need Etta to help us."

"No. Absoulutley not." That was how Peter always was. He wanted to keep his daughter out of harms way, because in a different time line, he lost her... twice.

Etta wanted to say that she could help them, but she wasn't supposed to be there in the first place.

"But Peter, they are letting Tyrrone help."

Etta moved so that she could get a better look at what her mom was talking about. There was a big hole in front of Olivia. Etta looked closley at it to see if the hole was some kind of black hole, but to her surprise, it wasn't.

In fact, it looked almost like a mirror. And on the other side, there where people. And even stranger, there was a man and a woman and teenage boy who Etta thought, looked alot alike the man. Its there son, she thought to herself.

At first look she tought that there was nothing strange about these people, (Except for the fact that they where on the other side of a huge hole!) but then she got a closer look at the woman. She looked exactly alike her mom. But instead of blonde hair parted in the middle, this woman had red hair and bangs.

Etta was so scared that she instantly ran all the way back to her house.

Later that night, Etta heard her parents come inside. They where fighting over whether or not to let Etta go with them. Instantly Peter said no, But Olivia thought it would be good for her to come with them.

Etta was so mad that she snuck out her window and to the same location they where at earlier.

And the hole was still there.

Etta made a split second decision, and she went through the hole.

She instantly regreted it, but when she turned around, it was almost as if the portal had disapeared.

Etta looked around. She seemed to be in the same place. But there was one thing different about this place. She wasn't alone.

Etta let out a scream.

But the stranger covered her mouth with his hand. "Etta?" he asked.

"How do you know my name?" She spat instantly after he moved his hand away from her mouth.

"I heard your parents earlier, I'm Tyrrone by the way."

So thats who he was. Etta let out a breath. "Where am I?"

"Your are in my universe."


"There are 2 universes, yours and mine. You are in mine."

"Oh." was a all that she could think to say. But then she added "Was those other two people your parents?"

"Yes. In fact, my mom is your mom's alternate."

"What about your dad?"

"Well, my dad's alternate sorta died. And that kinda became a good thing."

"How is someone dying a good thing?" Etta said a little annoyed.

"Well, my dad is from your universe, and when his alternate died, my dad kind of took his place. I'm sure you know your dad's story," and when Etta's facial expressions showed that she clearly didn't know, he added "Your dad is from my universe. He was taken over to yours to be cured when he was a kid, but he ended up staying there. Me and you don't have alternates. So, in a way, we are eachother's alternates. We are like a perfect match, given the cirrrcumstances."

"Are your flirting with me?" Etta quizically asked.


Etta could feel her face get hot. So she changed the subject. "Why are u here?"

"I ran away 'cause my parents where fighting."

"Me too. But now I don't know how to get back."

"Well your welcome to stay with me."

"I'm not so sure your parents would be to happy if i paraded in there in the middle of the night.

"I wasn't talking about there. I have my own place."

"How old are you again?" Etta asked, not believing that someone so young could have a place of their own.

"Seventeen. You?"


"So do you want to come with me or stay here and freeze?"

"Go with you." Etta said without missing a beat. Even though Tyrrone had yet to gain her trust, she didn't see a better option.

So she took his hand and let him lead her way.

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