Chapter 9

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Etta gripped her steaming hot chocolate cup with two gloved hands as she waited outside with Mason for Tyrone to pay the bill. After she got the call she decided to get her hot chocolate and wait outside. Mason had gotten coffee and followed her as Tyrone waited for the waitress to come back so he could pay the bill.

"Hot chocolate? Isn't that for ten year olds after they go slay riding?" Mason asked when they first  got outside.

Etta  thought for a moment about replying simply with No, its not. But then she got a better idea and said, "Coffee? Isn't that for middledaged moms who need something to get them moving?"

"Anserwing a question with a question I see?" Etta could've sworn that she heard a hint of an impressed tone trying - but failing miserably- to be covered up. "Well, actually, coffee is more common in teens."

Etta rolled her eyes but then when she didn't continue, Mason did, "You know what else is common in teens?"

"Bad attitudes and smelly body odor?" Etta tried. Even though she herself was a teen, she reconginzed how terrible their attitudes could be.

Mason ignored her and said, "Sexual atrraction."

Etta spit her hot chocolate that she had just put in her mouth all over the ground and barely missing Mason's shoes. He took a step back but "Ew," was all he said.

"What?!" Etta gasped.

"Ew? Well you spit your drink out so 'ew' just kinda came out naturally," he replied nanchalantly.

"No, before that," Etta said finally starting to recompose herself.

"Sexual attraction? Oh, I was refferring to you and Tyrone," Mason said. Etta spit her drink out again.

"This is seriously becoming a problem with you," Mason said, glancing from his chocolate covered shoes to the ground which had just recentley had snow on that had melted from the hot chocolate.

"Nothing is going on between me and Tyrone. What makes you think anything would be?" Etta said, ignoring his previous comment.

"Well, the way he looks at you, the way that you look at him, the way that he doesn't even notice the stares he gets from other girls," Mason said.

Etta said exasperated, "So what? Yeah, I like him. But he obviously doesn't like like me. So whats the point in it?" she said. Then added, "So, how about you? Who do you like?"

"Myself," he siad, seeming to drop the topic.

Etta knew that line so she decided to see if he'd fall into her trap. "At least you don't have to fear rejection."

"Not neccasarily, I turn myself down sometimes. Just to keep it interesting," he said.

"Aha! You did read City of Bones!" Etta said, smiling from ear to ear.

Mason blushed, yes blushed. But didn't offer up any excuse so Etta continued, "What other books did you read?"

Mason muttered something under his breath. "What?" Etta asked. "I didn't hear you."

"I read a lot of them, okay? I grew up with five older sisters so what else could I read?" Mason admitted.

Etta threw her head back and laughed. She really laughed. Mason just stood there grinning and shaking his head at her giddiness.


Tyrone watched through the window at Etta laughing and his heart launched. The way her head was thrown back, her smile, everything about it just screamed with delight.

"Um, sir, ecxuse me," a red haired waitress said.

Tyrone looked up and she handed him the bil. "Thanks," he said. She lingered there  and he looked down at the bil and noticed numbers scribbled onto the bottom.

"Um, what are those numbers?" he asked, clearly baffled.

She threw her head back and laughed, but her laugh didn't make him happy like Etta's did. Instead of making his heart leap, it just made him feel plain out uncomfortable. "My number silly!" she said.

"Oh," was all Tyrone could manage. She winked at him and skipped away.


Etta looked up just in time to see a redhead wink at Tyrone. "Oh no," she said.

"What is it?" Mason was right by her side in a matter of seconds. He spotted Tyrone staring after a girl and suddenleyhe felt like breaking Tyrone's jaw. But then he couldn't figure out why. But then he realized it was because of the look of pure sadness written all over Etta's face.

But that didn't quite make sense either. He didn't care if someone made Etta upset... did he?

No, it's just because we are a team now, he told himself. Trying to surpress the idea of -

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Etta asked. Her tone wasn't accusing or annoyed but merely curious, and maybe something else. But he couldn't tell.

"Oh, um, I was just," he looked away blushing.

"Twice," Etta said smiling.

"What?" Mason asked.

"That is the second time that I caught you blushing," Etta said triumphantly. The look on Mason's face made, the deeper blush, made her laugh.

Just then Tyrone walked out. Etta was laughing again and he had to admit that he felt a little jealous. Mason felt his tense attitude and decided to say, "Okay, we have some work to do."

I know that it was short, but I got two comments and I really wanted to get this out there. This isn't this week's chapter, I'm already almost finished the BIG chapter. But because of the comments, I just decided to quick write this. Thank you so much for commenting either praise or advise, both is very much welcome. I will put a dedication on the next chapter for the people who commented, you know who you are. :)

Next thing, I have an idea that is somewhat crazy, but I wanna see what you guys think. How would you feel about a love triangle in this story? The triangle would start out normal but it would have a HUGE twist. Please comment and let me know your thoughts on it. Thanks for reading

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2014 ⏰

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