Luke pov

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I stared at y/n and smiled at the way she smiled in her sleep.
Seems a little bit creepy but I can't help but stare at how gorgeous she is.

She softly groaned and opened her eyes to meet mine.
She smiled and shook her head.
"Stop" she pushed my head back and I laughed.
She rubbed her eyes and sat up tiredly.

"What time is it?" She asked looking over at me.

She looks like an angel in the morning, her smile lights up the room, my world.

"10:00 am" I laughed at how long she slept.

She's been doing this often since she's been working like crazy.

"god" she shook her head and laughed.

"Get dressed we're going somewhere"


After waiting for y/n to get ready which took an hour.
She came downstairs looking beautiful as always in a black flowy dress that went up to he mid thigh.

"Alright beautiful, where shall we go?" I kissed her forehead as she blushes slightly.

"I don't know, you wanted to go somewhere" she laughed and grabbed my hand.

I walked her out and she immediately squinted at the sun.
"Oh god" she muttered laughing.

"We should go to the beach, or an arcade" she smiled and nodded letting herself into my car.

"Totally" she said before I closed the door.

We haven't really been out lately since the whole working thing she has going on.

I got in the drivers seat and looked over at her.

"Your so beautiful" she was. She had the prettiest brown eyes and a sharp nose which overall made her flawless.

"Your so handsome" she blushed and kissed me softly.

I felt my stomach hurt at her kiss.
She always had that effect on me, even though we kiss millions of time
Every kiss feels like we're following in love all over again.


"You are cheating" she groaned slapping my knee making me laugh.

We were at the beach arcade and she was getting mad that I was better at playing games then her.

"I'm not cheating your just bad" I laughed as she threw the control down on the table.

"Let's play something else.. Like uhmm" she focused her eyes around the room searching for a game that we could play.

"Super Marios! I'm the best at that!" I screamed happily.

I was actually the best, Michael couldn't even beat me and he was a freak on any game.

"No!! I'm trying to find a game that your not good at so I can win!" She whined sighing.

"Oh come on! One game" I pouted as she stared at me annoyingly.

"Fine, but that's it" she smiled and walked over to the game.

After about 5 minutes of playing we were on the last lap and I was in first place.

I laughed at the confused Look y/n had on her face since she was in 6th place.

I continued playing until y/bs logo went up to 2nd place.

"How.." I glanced at her and she was laughing.

"I have no idea how I did that" she laughed and continued playing.

"HA I HIT YOU" she screamed.
I looked at my screen and I was now in 2nd place.

"Cheater" I yelled grabbing people's attention.

It was a bit funny since we were two grown teenagers competing against each other against a game of Mario bros.

The screen went black then y/ns face came out as a winner.

"I'm the best" she mocked getting up laughing uncontrollably.

"The funny thing is, I didn't know what I was doing" she laughed and pulled me out of the arcade.

"Congratulations, you won ONE" I laughed and she socked my shoulder.

I grabbed her hand and we walked towards the beach.

"Luke can I ask you something?" She whispered as we stepped onto the sand.

"Of course princess" I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and pulled her in close, trying to keep her warm since it was very much windy.

"Do you love me?" She looked up at me and my breath caught in my throat.

Her eyes were glossy and light and she looked beautiful right now.

"Do I love you? Of course I love you. I love you more then anything in the world. Everytime I'm with you I feel this little buzz in me that makes me feel so happy. When I'm with you I never want to leave you. When I'm with you I feel joy. That's how I know I love you" we stopped walking and I turned to her grabbing her cheeks.

"And god damn am I head over heels for you" I pushed my lips against her and wished this moment would last forever.
Awwwwww goals OMG wth

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