are you?

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*Sienas POV*
Today's our first back day from school and lately I've been getting sick. Like throwing up sick. I'm really hoping it's not what I hope it is because if it is then I'm screwed.

I was sitting at my lunch table with Hannah Shawn and Ethan when I had the feeling like I was going to puke so I got up and ran out of the cafeteria with Ethan behind me.

"baby are you okay?" "yea I think I'm getting sick"

*Ethans POV*
We were all sitting at our lunch table when all of the sudden Siena got up and ran out of the cafeteria and I quickly ran after her. She was in the bathroom stall and I was holding her hair back.

"baby are you okay?" "yea I think I'm getting sick" She said with a look of worry on her face. I hope she actually is sick and not you know the other thing.

-after school
*Sienas POV*
After school I decided it was best that I go and a test from the store just to make sure. Luckily everyone is still at work so I was home alone. I took the test and waited the three minutes.

I nervously sat there and finally the results were back and I was...not pregnant.

"OMG THANK GOD" I yelled. My phone was ringing and I looked at it and it was Ethan.

"hey are you okay?" "yea why?" "well today you got sick" "yea I know" "Siena you aren't...pregnant are you?" "no no no. that's what I thought but I just took a test and its negative I promise I'm not" "okay thank god I'm certainly not ready for baby but I want you to know that if you were pregnant I would be by your side no matter what" "thank you baby" " I love you" "I love you too" "can I come over and we can Netflix and chill" I asked Ethan trying not to laugh "Siena you did not just say" he said laughing which made me happy hearing his laugh. "of course you can come over and Netflix and chill" " okay be in 10"

I started walking over to Ethan's in some sweatpants a hoodie and boots since it was still extremely cold out. I finally got to Ethan's and walked straight in since ik new it was unlocked and I was freezing.

"hey babe" Ethan said getting up from the couch giving me a kiss. "hey" "you hungry?" "no not really" "well I am so I'm gonna go to mc dons you wanna come?" "of course I want fries"

We walked to mcdons and ordered our food. After 5 minutes of arguing about me or him paying for my food he won and payed. We got back to Ethan's house and watched Netflix and ate our mcdons.

"baby" "mhm" "you remember the night when we um wel- lost pur virginity to each other" I asked Ethan. "of course. it was the best night of my life" he said looking down at me smiling. "well when you were talking about how my bed you loved me and all that I actually could hear you and I was awake "oh" He said looking down blushing. "and well I agree with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to be the mother of your children and the one you marry. the woman you grow old with and so much more. I love you more than I love myself Ethan. I truly don't know what I would do with out you" "Siena you have no idea how happy you make"

"I love you" "I love you more"

okay guys so I have one more chapter and then this fanfic is done but trust me I will be writing more if you enjoy this one. but thank you to the people who do read it

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