Chapter 6 - Just Go To Sleep!

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Heyyy guys! Did you like the last chapter? It was a lot of fun to write but scary too!! I'm pretty mad now because I just wrote this whole chapter, then I pressed a button by accident and the whole thing got deleted. Fantastic, right? So now I'll try to salvage what little I remember of it. Sorry if it's a little confusing, I'll have to dig throught my memory for this! Haha, well enjoy!

I must have fallen asleep in the elevator, because I woke up when  I thought I heard something. 

Ross was standing in front of my, with red eyes and a knife in his hand.

I screamed.

Aaand then I really woke up. In Ross's arms? What was happening??

"Jenna?? Are you okay??" Asked a very concerned Ross.

"What's going on??" I asked, dazed from exhaustion. 

"Someone finally got the elevator open, and Rydel went to her room, and you fell asleep. I didn't want to wake you, so I thought I'd just carry you back to our room." He answered. 

Since I was awake anyways, I swung my legs down and stood on the ground. I felt my head start to pound, and I swayed. Ross saw, and scooped me back up into his arms.

"What was that? Are you alright?" He asked.

"I'm just really tired..." I answered. 

"Don't worry, just put me down. I'll just have to catch my balance."

"Oh no, that's not happening. I don't want you to fall!" He exclaimed. 

"Put me down Ross!!" I said with a giggle.

He chuckled and started running back to our room, and on the way we passed a very confused Rydel. I waved to her behind Ross's back as he ran to our room and opened the door. He threw me onto the bed and we both started laughing. I suddenly felt a wave of exhaustion hit me, and I laid back on the bed. Ross flipped off the light switch and grabbed one of the extra blankets off the bed and put it on the floor for himself.

"Hey.." I said, and he looked over at me.

"Sleep with me." I said quietly.

He got a very surprised look on his face, before I realized what I'd said.

"No! I mean, just sleep on the bed. It's not a big deal!"

He laughed and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I could just sleep on the floor it doesn't ma-" He started to say, but I cut him off

"Just sleep on the bed!" I said, getting a bit annoyed.

"What, do you not want to?" I asked him

"No! It's just that I don't want to make you uncomfortable!" He said quickly

"I'm sorry. Please, just sleep here!" I said softly.

He looked at me and crawled under the covers. I was too tired to get under the covers, but I shivered. He laughed and pulled them over me so I wouldn't get cold.

"Thank you, Ross." I said  quietly.

"No problem." He answered.

"No, really. If it wasn't for you, I would have been at home crying alone in my room over my stupid ex right now, but I'm here." 

"He's not worth your tears, Jenna. You should save them for something that really matters."

I smiled into the darkness.

"Good night, Ross" I said, rolling over to his side of the bed to hug him. I tried to get back to my side of the bed after, but I was just so tired... and I felt so comfortable here...

The last thing I heard before I drifted off to sleep was Ross's voice, whispering, "Good night Jenna. Sweet dreams....."

I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face. I felt Ross breathing deeply, because he was still sleeping, and realized that I'd curled up against him in my sleep and my arms were around him. I didn't remeber this happening...

I tried to slowly move my arms before Ross woke up, but when he grabbed my hands and chuckled.

"I was wondering when you'd wake up!" he said with a laugh.

"Rooooss let go!!" I whined, but I was smiling.

He let go of my hands and flipped so he was facing me. 

"Good morning!" He said.

I groaned and got out of bed. There was a knock on the door, and I went to open it. It was Rydel, and she said "Good morning you guys! We're going home in an hour, so make sure you're ready!" 

I nodded and went to my suitcase to get my clothes so I could take a shower. 

"Hey, Ross?" I said, suddenly thinking of something.

"Yeah?" He answered.

"What do I do now? Should I go home?"

"What? No! I thought your parents were going to get you next week!" He exclaimed. "You're going to come home with us!" He said.

"But what about your parents? Will they be mad at you for bringing a random girl home with you?" I asked him, getting worried.

"Don't worry about it!" He said.

I grabbed my clothes and walked to the bathroom to shower, but I guess Ross had the same idea.

"I have to take a shower!" He said.

"So do I!" I complained.

"Why don't we take a shower together?" He said with a wink and a smirk.

Oh, that's how he wanted to play? Two could play at this game.

"Okay!" I said, and his eyebrows went so high they almost fell off his forehead.

"What? I was-"

"Are you scared?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at him. He proceeded to say a bunch of unintelligible sentences, and then said.

"Psh, no of course not." He said.

"So, I can just take off my shirt and you wouldn't mind?" I asked him with a totally straight face.

He blushed, and I couldn't go on any longer. I burst out laughing, and said, "I-I was just kidding!!!" I said between laughs."

"Uhh yeah I knew that.." He said.

Yeah right. One point for me!

Thanks for reading! Did you like it? Comment if you did or didn't. Feel free to make suggestions too!


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