Michael Becoming a Daddy

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- "Oh my god babe, we made her!! Look at our little offspring!! I love it!!"
- smiling so big and showing his baby girl off all the time because no one is a prouder daddy than Michael
- setting her room up with the walls painted baby pink and Green Day posters hanging over her crib pls
- him not remembering the last time he played a video game because he's always so focused on his baby girl
- rocking her to sleep every night to make sure she has sweet dreams :((
- "Y/N, when can we dye her hair to match mine?"
- "Michael, for fucks sake, your child is two weeks old."
- him always tickling and blowing raspberries on baby girl Clifford's tummy when she's a toddler because she always pulls on his hair and squeals, "Stop it daddy!! Tickles!! TICKLES!!"
- baby girl Clifford always insisting she help daddy with snack time which usually consists of them always singing her favorite songs while Michael cuts apples as she steals slices when he's not looking :(
- "Little one, I think it's time for your nap, do I need to go check under your bed for monsters?"
- baby girl Clifford stomping her foot down and putting her hands on her hips before pouting at Michael and saying, "No daddy! I can take care of da monsta's all by myself!!"
- him grinning so big when she pulls him up to her room anyways because even though she's a fearless monster fighter, she still needs her favorite cuddle buddy :(
- you coming home to an empty house only to find Michael squished onto your little girls bed and her sleeping happily on his chest :((((((((
- waking them up for dinner and little girl Clifford insisting her and daddy make cookies for mommy
- giggling two hours later when you see Michael carrying your tiny daughter covered in flour upstairs for bath time while the smell of burnt cookies drifts through the house
- "Baby girl, I need you to stop wiggling! Bug listen, we are in the bath tub, not the ocean and I am not a shark trying to eat you!!"
- giggling at the tiny shrieks coming from your baby girl upstairs and the annoyed groans coming from your oversized husband
- "Okay baby, what jammies do you wanna wear tonight?"
- his heart shattering and his entire face lighting up when she asks if she can wear one of her daddy's shirts :(
- her giggling uncontrollably as the shirt practically hangs off of her and it smells like her daddy
- "See daddy! I'm a big girl 'cuz I'm wearing big girl clothes like you!!"
- her asking if she could sleep with daddy and mommy tonight because she just loves them so much!!!
- squishing baby girl clifford between the two of you and almost dying when she falls asleep and Michael kisses her head before saying, "Goodnight my sweet little star, your daddy loves you so much."
Hey guys! I'm gonna attempt to start updating more but who knows... Hope you enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2015 ⏰

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