When You Meet

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Originally written by [5sos-imaginations] on Tumblr
*************************************(Michael POV)
I was walking down the street when I heard one of my favorite songs playing in the distance. I had nothing else to really do that day, so I decided to follow it. When I found the house of the source, which was like right across from where I was walking, the door was open, and I could hear a girl singing.

She wasn't bad and I liked hearing it, so I just kind of loitered around, seeing if she had anything else I listened to. I ended up sitting there, and I have no idea how long I had stayed. I kind of forgot the door was open until I heard her scream and drop a plate.

When I turned around to look at her, I was surprised that she was that close and hadn't noticed me before. Her dark brown eyes were wide with surprise, and I was confused but also intrigued. I swear I'm not some creep who just sits on people's doorsteps, I was just curious.

I was standing, and decided I should probably explain myself. I knocked on the door frame and waited to see what she would do. This looks so fucking weird, I'm so embarrassed, I might die. I managed to keep myself collected on the outside. I don't know how, but it worked.

"Hi," I said after a while.

"Hello," she responded more as a question, and her head tilted to the side. I took mental note of her cute mannerisms like those ones. "Can I help you?"

Fuck, I haven't thought that one through. "I just wanted to listen to your music I guess." Smooth, Michael.

She made a little noise and I added that to my mental list. She put her head in her hands and sighed. "So you heard me, huh?"

I smiled slightly, remembering the songs she had played. "Sure did, you have one hell of a voice."

"Thanks," she mumbled, looking down at the ground.

I started thinking about how she was seeing this as. God this looks so strange. "This looks totally weird, doesn't it?" I started to laugh, and grinned harder when I saw her smile.

"Yeah, kinda." She giggled as well, and that was definitely enough to make me smile again. So many smiles.

She looked up at me, and I took this moment to look at her for longer. I didn't even notice that I was staring at her. Her eyes were dark, sure, but I could still see light in them. I'm probably staring for too long. I stuck out my hand for her to shake. "Hi, I'm Michael." I sound like such an idiot.

She shook it after a while of staring at me, confused. "I'm Ash." I smiled at that, immediately thinking of Ashton.

I let go of her hand, and flipped my hair. Something I did when I was nervous. I should probably tell her why I randomly decided to stalk someone I didn't know. "So you want to know why I'm here, huh?"

"Kind of."

"I was walking down your street, heard a song that I knew, and followed it. I heard you singing, and just, I don't know, wanted to listen I guess."

"So you just sat on my porch listening to my awful singing while I did the dishes?"

I smiled at the memory of hearing her voice. "Not awfully, I liked it," I told her honestly.

She stared up at me, still confused. I should probably leave her alone, but I want desperately to get her number. I swallowed my anxiety and asked her if she had a phone. Of course she has a phone. I'm so stupid.

"Probably," she replied. I laughed at her choice of words and started to nervously shuffle my feet.

Here comes the question. I'm so terrible at this part. "Mind if I have your number?" I instantly shoved my hands in my pockets. They started sweating.

My luck was on my side, and she giggled and gave me her phone. She's not going to remember Michael, so I put in a little aside to remind her who I was. I didn't want her to forget. "Text me sometime," I smiled at her. I turned to walk away because I was probably bothering her enough as it is. My phone buzzed in my pocket, and when I saw what it was, my smile grew, and I knew that this ended well.

Michael Clifford ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now