Smooth criminal (now with no Michael Jackson)

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'So,' I asked, 'How long have you been doing magic for?'.

He ignored me, as usual. That was how it had been for the last ten minutes or so. Me talking, him ignoring, me getting closer to dying of boredom. Not good.

'I asked, how long have you been doing magic for?'. Fiftyth time in ten minutes. Record. C ignored me. Again. I tried turning on some music. C grabbed me with the hand he wasn't using to drive.

WARNING: Do not try driving one handed, without a liscence. In fact, don't try driving at all without a liscence. It would be a very, very bad idea.

'No music.' C said. 'Unless, of course, you want me to get distracted and have a car crash. Which would be bad for both of us.'.

I withdrew my hand, then slid back further into my chair. It was going to be a looooong ride.

We arrived at the place C wanted to go about five minutes later. Or, rather, we drove into the carpark and C slammed on the brakes, nearly flinging us both out the car, even though we were both wearing seatbelts. C recovered quickly, and got out the car in a few seconds. I got out about five minutes later. We had arrived at a park. Weird. There was a picnic bench that was completly covered in weapons.

'Well? What are you waiting for? Go pick a weapon already.' C said. I walked over to the bench, and survayed my options.

Sword: Entirely stereotypical. Nearly every hero in every story has a sword. Not for me, thank you very much!

Spear: They're big. And bulky. And just plain irritating to carry around.

Bow and arrows: Excuse me? Does it look like I want to carry around a giant backpack? Oh, sorry. A quiver.

Shield: No point. It's not a weapon. How was I supposed to fend off Carter and Arex with a shield?

Handgun: Okay, so it's slightly stereotypical. And carrying all the bullets could be annoying. But still, they're cool!

I pointed at the gun. 'This one.'.

C groaned. 'I can't even use them. How am I supposed to teach you to use one?'.

'You could be a moving target?' I asked. Because, seriously, it was a great idea.

'Funny. Try shooting that tree.' He said, pointing to one a few metres away.

'Okay.' I said. I shot. I missed. I shot again. I missed again. I shot a third time. No bullets came out.

I walked over to C. 'It's run out.'.

C passed me a packet of bullets. 'This is going to be a long night.'.

I shot, and missed again. For once, I agreed.

We left the park a little while later. I was happy, as I could finally use the handgun and C was happy, as he got to practice with a sword. Sadly, Arex was waiting. Right in front of my house.

Carter froze. 'Grab the gun, and go. Don't get caught.'. I ran, while C went over to Arex to distract him. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I managed to get into the house fast either way. I watched what was going on from a window. C and Arex exchanged banter, then C ran towards him with his sword. Arex blocked his strike with his weapon. Wait. Was that a spear? I was suddenly very glad I didn't choose that weapon. Still, that wasn't what I was paying the most attention to. I was staring right at C, his blond hair messed up by the wind, his eyes wild, his sword blocking and striking like a master and grinnning like some kind of psycho.



I just let a guy who wanted me dead take me somewhere. And he hadn't hurt me. I grabbed the home phone, and dialed Laura's number.

'Laura Arwen here, how can I help?' the phone answered.

'Laura, it's me, Sophia. Carter just made his appearance.'.

'I'll be right over.'. And the phone cut off. I checked outside. Carter and Arex had disappeared. This was proving to be a rather exciting night.

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