Can't Joke About This

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Author's Note:

I know, I know. I should be updating Reflected first. But this scene is important. You know how stories can come from anywhere, from a list of words to an image. From a character to a another story. This story, this entire book-to-be came from this scene (although slightly altered.). So, enjoy! And please, say what you think of it!

-@Marethyu2 out!

I stood on the clock tower, looking over the balcony at the bustling streets and the hundred busy people walking around. They had normal, happy, good lives. So much unlike mine.

Elliot had told me more about the group he, Laura and Timothy were part of. 'We call ourselves The Saviours. It summarizes us perfectly.' He had said. 'Some say we are just a bunch of vigilantes, taking on the demons. They're idiots. No one else can defeat them, so we do the dirty work. No one else can do anything, so we can. Simple.'.

I was shocked at the memory. They were vigalantes, on hindsight. But they weren't evil, were they? I mean, Laura and Timothy had..... Wait, what had they done for me? Not much, really. They had never saved me, helped me or done anything at all, really. In fact, the only person who had was Carter. So why was I still uneasy about trusting him?

I heard someone approach. I heard a voice in my the moment they stood next to me. *Don't turn around.* (A/N When it has a *, it means that's mind-talk.)

What the? Was he/she/it talking to my mind?


Who was this? Wait, could they read my mind???

*Once again, duh. You having allegiance problems?*

*As in? You're not Laura, Timothy or Elliot, are you?* I asked. Trust me, you're not the only one who finds this conversation weird.

*Nah. But you know me. Well, you think you do.*

*Allegiance problems? Answer the question, dummy.*

I heard a groan. *You're gonna regret calling me that later. You don't know who to side with, right? I recommend James. Don't go anywhere near The Saviours. You'll regret that more.*

Oh yeah. James. He'd saved Tina, and was actually nice, except when I mention Laura or actually called him James. *Nah. Who are you?*

*I told you. You know me. That's all I will say.*

I couldn't resist. I turned to look at them. He was wearing a blue hoodie with golden phoenix on it. He had battered trainers and blue jeans, and a smile. Not cocky, not sadistic like so many others I had seen, but calm. Happy. Nice. Unfortunately, I kinda ignored the smile. I took in his entire face.

Arex smiled back at me. 'Sorry. Didn't have much choice, did I?'.

I grabbed my gun, which I had been smart enough to grab after my meeting with Elliot, and primed a shot. Arex, naturally, was no where near scared. He punched me right in the gut, and I doubled up in pain.

'Beware. I know karate.' He said with smile. Still not cocky or arrogant.

'You work with James.' I said, clutching my stomach.

'Well, no. Not exactly. But he is predictable, so I can use him to my advantage. So are you, by the way.'.

Wow. Was that a compliment? Sarcasm alert. I shot the pistol, and missed. Then he turned up.

'What the hell, Sophia?' Timothy asked, eyebrows raised. 'What's going on?'.

Arex raised a hand. 'That'd be me. Now, get behind her. Unless you want to die.'.

I sighed. 'That's practically all you and Carter say. Think of something original, please.'. Then a spear appeared in Arex's hand. He wasn't bluffing. Not. One. Bit.

Timothy, however, only raised an eyebrow. 'Seriously?'. A wind-and-fire-wheel (don't ask how I know they're called that) appeared in both hands. He launched one at Arex, jumping as he threw. Arex deflected it, but Timothy caught when it came flying back. They were basically just giant boomerangs. I smiled. Good old Timothy. I decided to try necromancy again. I felt a rush, a feeling that I was a hero. I was a saviour, not part of the vigilantes, but an actual one. I could feel bones quivering in the ground, begging for the light. For life. I dragged them up out of the ground, like plants growing from seedling. The skeletons reformed where I was. I had an army of soldiers, willing to do anything for the person who helped them out of their dreary half-life. This wasn't black magic, like so many thought. This was light. The army stepped forwards, then I collapsed. It was too much. The army scattered to pieces, but still happy. Even split on the ground was better then being underground.

My vision blurred, and I fainted. Well, sort of. I couldn't see, and I was practically asleep. But I still heard the conversation, although I couldn't work out who it was between.

'Little over the top?' The first voice asked.

'I had no choice. How else would she listen to us?' Voice 2 answered. Then he spoke to me. Or, I think he did. 'Stay alive. You are the only one who can save us.'.

Then my hearing went out, and darkness surrounded me.

I woke up later, on the floor of a building. Laura was staring at me, concerned. 'You okay? Timothy took you over here.'.

I rubbed my eyes. 'What? Why? Where am I?'.

'I'll ignore the first one. Because you were knocked out. And, finally, you're at the Saviours. Welcome.'. She grinned. Then stopped. 'Oh. He didn't tell you, did he?'.

'Huh? Tell me what?'.

She looked around, looking for an answer. 'Well, you see, we didn't exactly tell you everything about us. In fact, we might've lied a bit. Well, really, a lot.'.

I was about to ask what she meant. Then Arex walked through the door. That, of course, rendered me speechless. She hadn't just lied.

She had destroyed everything I thought about my life in one, short, fell swoop.

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