A nice chat on a building, and a kidnapping

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This chapter is dedicated to @Sora1234Axel. Happy B-Day!

The clues were pretty easy. I mean, glow in the dark stickers? Soooooo easy to find. I was soon on the top of the Saviour's building, with Arex looking over the balcony.

'You took your time. You had me worried.' He stated, not even turning around.

I stood there, staring at him. 'Who are you, anyway? What are you?'.

He grinned. 'I'm Arex. I'm a saviour, and the equivalent of a fallen angel in this world. I'm not a psychopath or anything stupid like that, though. I like to think I'm at least somewhat sane.'.

I joined him staring of the balcony. 'Me too. Why do you even do this, when everyone's gonna hate you for the bad cop thing?'.

'No choice. Someone has to do it, and I'm the closest to a psychopathic killer they have. That's what they think, anyway. You sure you can't remember the mind wipe?'.

I nodded. 'Yeah. Why did they do it?'.

'They'd say you asked for it, and you couldn't answer. In reality, I don't think you actually had a mind wipe. They just really want you to join. They needed a new healer, and you seemed like a good choice.'.

'Laura wouldn't lie.'. I was adamant about that, at least.

He smirked. 'Oh, she didn't. But maybe she was fed the wrong info. I don't trust Elliot or Daniel at all.'.

I turned my head slightly, till I was facing him. 'Then why are you here?'.

His smirk vanished into a small, comforting smile. 'So I can prove I'm not evil, and destroy those who are. You can understand that, right?'.

'Yeah.'. And we both stared at the skyline, like we were waiting for something to happen, very far away. We were both there, and yet we were both away in the distance. Then I felt it.

It was a piercing feeling in my head, pounding for help every second. I was in agony. I crumpled to the floor, only vaguely aware of Arex going down on his knees, begging at me to get back up, to fight. Then it stopped. Like the person in pain was finally in peace, no longer needing assistance.

'I'll take it from here, thanks.' Someone said in my head. Only, it wasn't just someone. It was Carter.

And the person in pain? I wasn't sure. One thing, though. It felt like Tina.

I ran from the ceiling, with Arex following me. I wasn't sure why, but then again I wasn't actually sure of much at that instant. I pushed past Lupa, Savannah and Daniel. I ran past painting, glowing stickers and graffiti. I ran past so much, until I found Laura.

'What's happened?' I asked, practically screaming.

Laura stared at me. 'You mean... You don't know?'.

Wait. 'What's happened?' I repeated.

Laura hung her head. 'It's Tina.'.

I stared. 'She's not.... Dead?'.

Tina shook her head. 'Worse.'.

I was confused. What was worse?

'She's been kidnapped.'.

That was pretty awful to find out. What she said next was way worse.

'By Carter.'.

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