Why Laura needs a day off (among other things)

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Dedicated to @Sayuri9, and anyone else who has a passion for wolves.

Three heads swiveled around to face the door. 'Do not panic.' I thought. 'Just because the only mage to ever actually use the doorbell was Carter, does not mean that Carter is at the door.'. Laura stood up, and went to open the door. The door creaked open. And there, on the doorstep, was someone I had hoped never to see again.

'Timothy! What are you doing here?' I screeched.

Timothy frowned. 'You'd think at least someone was excited to see me. Actually, I'm here for Laura.'.

Comprehension dawned on Laura's face. 'You mean that was TODAY?!?!?!?'.

'What was? And who is this guy?'. Obviously, Christina had no idea who Timothy was, or what on earth was going on. Buisness as usual, then.

'Timothy, meet Tina. Tina, meet Timothy, the most annoying person you will ever meet. Probably' I said.

'Oy!' Timothy cried. I couldn't understand why, though. I mean, he was seriously irritating. 'Anyway, Laura, we're going now.'.

'No. Wait.' Laura turned to us. 'How would you two feel about seeing me and Timothy in action?'.

I looked at Christina. She looked at me. Then we both turned to Laura. 'Awesome.'.

One word of warning: Never head of with mages when the only form of transport they're prepared to use is an extremely slow old ute. Not awesome. Laura explained the situation to us on the way. 'You know how I mentioned demons could possess people?'.

Christina shuddered. 'You know how I mentioned that that really creeped me out?'.

'Yeah, I do. Well, sometimes it goes wrong for the demon. Really, really wrong.'.

I shuddered, though I wasn't sure why. 'What happens?'.

'It turns into a human-demon hybrid. Same person, same emotions, but influences from the demon part of them. Many of them can't deal with it. They turn into complete demons that can imitate a human perfectly, right down to habits.' Timothy answered. He didn't seem that bothered by it.

'WHAT?????' Christina screeched.

'Yeah. It's exactly as scary as it sounds.' Laura sighed. 'Oh, and thanks, Timothy. I was going to let it down slowly.'.

'So,' I asked, before we had a full scale war. 'What exactly are you guys going to do?'.

Laura looked at me. 'We're going to hunt one down.'.

Christina stared. 'But.. But... They were humans. They were like us!'.

'Not any more they're not. Carter and Arex were once human. Would you hesitate to destroy them? We protect people. That's our job.' Laura stated.

The car juddered to a halt. Timothy looked back at us from the driver's seat. 'We're here.'.

We ditched the car pretty fast. You'd be surprised by how many people will buy a car for a dollar. Even an old, rusty ute. The place we'd arrived at was dry, barren and completely desolate. Just like every other desert then. We walked on for a little while until we reached the foot of a giant sand hill. And when I say giant, I mean giant. It was literally touching the sky. There was a girl at the base with us, with long black hair, tattered jeans, a faded t-shirt and scuffed boots. Oh, yes. She also had a wolf lying at her feet. I walked over to her and extended my hand in friendship. 'Hi! I'm Sophia. What your na-'. The wolf woke up, and leapt right at me, nearly biting off my hand. I jerked it back just in time.

The girl started making growling noises. The wolf backed down, and slunk back behind the girl. She smiled at me, but not in a friendly way. 'Sorry. Lupa doesn't really like strangers.' she stated. 'I'm Kae. Oh, and you must be Laura.' she said, walking over to Christina.

'Er, no. Laura's over there.' Tina pointed. Laura was standing just behind us, waving. She stepped forwards.

'Hey. I'm Laura. Please don't set the wolf on me. That's Sophia, Christina and Timothy. There's a lot of us for this mission.' Laura explained.

Kae raised her eyebrow. 'Yeah. I noticed. Aren't there only supposed to be three of us?'. Lupa growled.

Laura looked for a way out of the situation, but Timothy beat her to it. 'Aren't we supposed to have a right to our own privacy?'.

Kae snorted. 'Fine. Let's go.'. And she walked (or rather strutted) up the mountain, with Lupa at her feet. Me and Tina looked at each other, shrugged, and followed her. Laura and Timothy looked at each other, grunted, and followed us. Completely normal.

We were halfway up when the little girl ran into us. The view was amazing, spectacular even. But no one, and I mean no one, wanted to fall down. So when the girl started running right to us, we panicked. A lot. Someone screamed. Thankfully, she stopped before she hit us. That was when I noticed she was crying. 'Mummy...Daddy...Jamie...' she said, underneath her tears.

I knelt down to her. 'Are you okay? What happened?'.

She looked up at me, still crying. 'The.....girl... She killed them! Mummy....Daddy....Jamie.... They're all gone!'. And she resumed crying.

My sister knelt down next to me, and patted the little kid's shoulder. 'It's okay. It'l be alrigh- Hey!'. The girl had grabbed her hand. The tears cut off instantly. Fangs grew from her mouth. Her eyes went red. A dagger materialized in her hands. The girl wrapped her arm around Christina's neck. She smiled. 'Now, people. You come with me, she survives. It's your choice.'.

My sister's life was in the hands of a demon.

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