A/N I'll have less kidnapping next time! Honest!

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Wow. How, exactly was I supposed to explain this to Laura? I'd need to get him back. Shame, really. He wasn't exactly a good person. Oh well. I started trying to climb up the walls. Then I fell. There weren't any footholds or anything, annoyingly.

Then Daniel dropped down next to me, eyes a brilliant blue. 'Hi.'

And before I had anytime time to process that his eyes were once brown, and that the blue was the exact same shade as Carter's, a spear came flying at me. I dodged, but barely. 'What the hell?' I screamed. 'What are you doing, Daniel? I'm on your side!'

He turned his head to the side. 'Daniel? Is that what he's called? Shame. His name's awful.'

And then I worked it out. He was possessed. Damn. Another spear came flying, and grazed my shoulder. I winced, then checked my pockets for my gun. Damn again. I'd left it behind in the headquarters. I'd completely forgotten about it in all the drama. That left two options. Fight or flight. And I wasn't gonna run; Daniel would be faster then me.

I squeezed my hands into fists, and summoned all the darkness I could. I smiled. 'I agree completely. Now, if you don't mind, die.'

And that's when I threw shadows at it.

A month ago, I would've been listening to Eminem and Macklemore in my room, whilst reading some random book or playing on my iPad. Now, I was summoning the dead to fight a demon who could very easily kill me. And I was winning. The shadows had actually gotten on target, and had actually hurt demon-Daniel-hybrid-thingy. And I'd worked out where the spears were coming from. Daniel was using telekinesis on everything he could find. And trust me, I mean everything. I'd had about five train tickets hurled at me. And yet, paper cuts weren't really that bad. They were just irritating.

I tried to summon up the dead, like the time I fought Arex on top of the building. I breathed deep, in, out, and curled my hands into fists again. I could feel them below and, trying my hardest, I brought them to the ground. Once again, there was a skeleton army. I was less exhausted this time too, but that made no sense. If anything, there were more of them. I pushed my arm forward, and the army followed. They walked, slowly but surely towards Daniel.

That's when things began to go really, really wrong.

Daniel smiled crookedly, and raised his arms. He slammed his airborne palm into the ground, and I gripped my head. It was like a headache, only a really, really bad one. My head was in agony, and I could barely concentrate on anything. The skeletons were okay; they didn't have minds to be messed with. However, without a leader to guide them, they were stumbling around like mindless zombies. It was horrfic.

Daniel stood up, unharmed. He strolled over, carrying a halberd in his hand. I tried to move, but it was like my body was frozen.

He continued to grin. 'You snooze, you lose, necromancer. You don't want to die, do you? That's ironic. I thought that was the one thing you guys were okay with.'

I could at least think of some good last words. Well, I would've if I could move my jaw.

Turns out, I didn't have to. Because when Daniel raised his axe, a bullet came shooting down from above, and hit Daniel right in the head. He fell to the ground.

Oh, and I didn't feel that lucky about it. Why? Because the sniper was Carter Ascot-Brown.

'Well, well, well. The Saviours not treating you well, huh?' Carter stated. 'Ya know, I think I at least deserve a thank you for saving you.'

I lunged at him. 'You've kidnapped my sister! I don't owe you a thank you or anything! Give. Her. Back!'

He pushed me to the side. 'Whatever. I don't particularly care. Although, you may want to know I didn't kidnap her. Those Saviours are great liars, huh? They actually made you think you'd be safe alongside them! Please.' He rolled his eyes.

I didn't believe him. I couldn't believe him. 'So? You've still killed others! You're a murderer! I'm not going to thank you. Now let me leave!'

He shook his head. 'Eh, no. I still need to speak to you. Firstly, the curse wore off. You're free to speak about me. Although, I'd prefer if you didn't. Secondly, if you tell anyone about me being here, I'll kill the whole lot of you. I don't want any info on Tina or me leaked. You got that? Good. Also, you should try getting Daniel back to the Saviours.'

I stared at him. 'Huh? What do they want with a dead guy?'

Carter laughed. 'Yeah right. They're exorcist bullets. They killed the demon, but not Daniel. And, let's be honset, that demon wasn't the best of company.'

And then Carter, his blue eyes and any chance of finding Tina's whereabouts disappeared, leaving me in an abandoned halloween roller coaster with a half dead guy and a bunch of broken skeletons. Just spectacular.

Looks like I was gonna have to teleport back.

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