Don't forget me ...

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Chapter 1

 “God mom you don’t understand you never UNDERSTAND” I said in an annoyed tone “OF COURESE I NEVER UNDERSTAND BECAUSE I’M THE WORST MOTHER IN THE WORLD RIGH… HUH huh?” my mother shot back at me.” I did NOT say you were the worst mother in world ok so you know what whatever just leave me alone.” I screamed back all she did was roll her eyes and walk away going back to organizing an event that was being hosted in three hours .(I lived close by to the city banquet hall so my mom works at the hall and pretty much runs the place.) I had enough of her and I never got along she hit my breaking point. To make it worse harry my best friend also my next store neighbor was there he saw it all happen. I looked at him my mom still yelling at one of the workers who was having technical difficulties I blocked her out and looked at him, his eyes priced me with sorrow it only lasted about two second. Till I ran out tears making my mascara run I ran my heart pumping as if my heart were about to jump out my chest and run away with me all the things my mom would say to me finally got the best of me  . “Penelope” I heard a familiar voice scream not too far behind I didn’t bother looking back .I had a feeling it was Harry so I ran into his house. I had a feeling it was him behind me and I didn’t have any other place to go but his place because my mother had the only key to our home. So I walked in I took the stairs to the left I was already on the second floor. He walked in to the house and took the stairs case to the right I heard him coming up so I went down the middle stair case back down stair he was coming down to the same way and I ran back up the right hand stairs the way he originally came up .He was still about twenty steps behind I went to the bathroom checking my mascara it wasn’t bad I cleaned it off with a towel to wipe your hands. I walked out the bathroom he was hot on my trail at that point I stopped and saw three bedrooms. One on the left one in the middle and one on my right hand side I walked in to the room one my right hand side. Assuming it was his room because I had never been up stairs in his house before we would always watch TV and play video games down stairs when we had are sleep over’s. “Is this your room” I spooked softly “yes” was all that slipped away from his mouth. I was already inside his personal get away inhaling his breath taking sent which made my stomach feel knotted inside I had always liked him like a lot. I never told him because I wanted to play it safe and, thought if I told him he would avoid me. I would have no one to talk about my problems too and no one to help me figure out what to do. Then he walked further in past me and sat at the edge of the bed I spotted a window and was so drawn to it I had to see the scenery he had view too it was his back yard. He watched my every move like if he was in a stake out ready to snap at anything dangerous, it was lovely it was a view to a crystal blue pool the sun hit it just right. I turned my head as I heard words slip out his mouth. “are you alright beautiful?” He asked me because of the previous fight I had encountered with my mom about five minutes ago. My face was stained with tears. i snaped out of my train of thoughts realizing that he was here. Of course because it is his room after all I looked at him and walk towards him slowly and thought of everything I was about to do I was only about three feet away so a billion thoughts swirled through my head finally I stopped right in front of him. ”yes.” I simply said with no emotion to trail behind it.  His head swiftly looked up to me his beautiful eyes looked straight in too mine I climbed on top of him so I was straddling him he had a shocked expression plastered upon his sexy face I raised both of my hands gracefully on to his well fitted chest that was covered with a very thin white v-line shirt and slowly started to push him on his back soon enough he was on his back I leaned in and looked once again in too those breath taking orbs he said something thing in a whisper but it was loud enough that  I caught what he said “kiss me already.”

Sorry I cut it off at the heated part but if I get 25 reads ill update my beautiful readers ;)

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