pizza and movies

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“well option one sounds fun and loose but I think I’ll go with borrowing some of your clothes but thanks for that wonderful idea sweet pea” I said looking at the expression on his face which clearly he didn’t like my option” well what movie should we watch” “good question what SHHOULD we watch” he said funnily while rubbing above his upper lip as is there were an imaginary mustache and I just stared at him and giggled………….

After watching the movie love actually we sat there with the mess of pop corn, bag of cool ranch, sour patch kids, and Pepsi. He paused the end credits and got up “what you want to watch next” he mentioned while motioning towards the TV.   “Hmmm maybe uhhh how about we just watch last seasons xfactor its on today ya know” I said rubbing my eyes and he just looked at me with wide eyes “xfactor see kitten um a thing about it rmm is uhh-) I cut him off “what you don’t like it its really good and I mean c’mon music is great and we could be watching the next big star in the making” I said in an excited yet tried way and yawned at the end of my sentence  “ n-no  I like it I’ve seen it before but that is not the point look I’ve been waiting to tell you at the right time and uh errm since you brought it up love” he said rubbing his hands nervously “what is it hurry c’mon you can tell me - he cut me off and blurted out “IM AUDITIONING FOR THE xFactor”…..He said with his eyes shut and his fingers crossed “what... You... What omg you got to be kidding me I’m so happy for you wait when did you decided to audition and I know you can sing like an angle that’s like is like fierce but have you even ever sung in front of people are you going to stop working at the bakery to audition well you know for the xfactor!?!?” curiosity and excitement scratched the surface of my voice “maybe because you see I’ll only be out of the bakery for a day I already asked for the day off for the day for the xfactor obviously and if  I get in then I’ll have to quit you know so I can like continue in the competition and not get fired.” “that’s amazing but promise me something” “sure thing kitten what is it” “ that you at least contact me once a week and all so you know how we like each other lets be together after your big xfactor adventure you know to make things easier” I said looking down he lifted my chin and said. “You can bet your bottom dollar I’ll be coming back for you beautiful I won’t forget to call you every week and I won’t forget about you.”  He said reassuring me of all my doubts. “Alright harry well when do you have to leave for auditions I’ll miss school you know if you want me to go with you for a big bang support thing? O and um I want to help you pick out your outfit if you want me to .” I giggled “o also I can’t forget when you get accepted no doubt about it can I pleaseeeeeee help you pack with a cute cherry on top” I said with the biggest stupid smile plastered on my face. ‘What very floats your boat love?’ harry looked at you in a cheeky manner and added a nice wink to the end of his sentence “yaaaaaaaaaaay thank you harry I love you you’re the best.” I announced engulfing him with and enormous bear hug making him fall back a little bit and when he stood he ground once again he rapped his long muscular arms and draped them around me I smiled like a dork and giggled and put back “okay so finally what are we going to do?” “hmmm how about we pop in another movie and order pizza” he started to wiggle his eye brows like  big stalking weirdo I laughed so hard I clutched on to my stomach and my eye’s got watery when I pulled myself together  I agreed and threw my phone towards him so he can dial the pizza’s delivery number “woooooo I almost dropped it but didn’t because I have pussy like reflexes(aka cat but he calls the pussies so bare with me guys )” he chuckled I looked at him with big eye’s “o my gosh harry if my phone would have fallen I would have died that’s my baby I can’t ll-live without it. “  I said replying to his tomfoolery actions and wiping a fake tear from my eye “calm down it’s not like this ninja was gonna drop it pffft the no way “he replied already typing the number into the phone

…… conversation…………

Harry’s point of view

“Hi this is papa johns what you like to order.” So old lady started the conversation to get my order in

“Hi I would like one pepperoni pizza and one cheese please “I asked polity into the phone

“Alright sir what’s your address and would you like anything to drink with that? “

“Yes a diet coca cola and Pepsi and my address is 466 sw 156 Pl.”

“Will that be all for your order today “

“Yes it will “

“Ok your total is 25.30 it will be there in 20 minutes have a nice night.”

“Thank you, you too”

“PENELOPE THE PIZZA WILL BE HERE IN TWENTY MINUTES” I screamed loudly from the top of the stair case that a vain in my neck was popping out.

“Okay harry I’m picking a movie I’ll be up in one second. “My best friend screamed at me from the living room was (he knew she was there because he keeps all his and his mothers movies there)

“Alrighty hurry it up.” I screamed at her to hurry because it was getting late and all I wanted to do was eat with my best friend who I think I’m in love with and watch a movie.

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well well well here is chapter three thank you for all the reads and for me to update we need 300 reads and 5 comments I WILL BE TRYING TO UP UPDATED  IT THIS FRIDAY 05/24/13

if i dont im really sorry but ill try 

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