www.youtube_ song_search.com

616 13 15

Chapter 4

“PENELOPE THE PIZZA WILL BE HERE IN TWENTY MINUTES” I screamed loudly from the top of the stair case that a vain in my neck was popping out.

“Okay harry I’m picking a movie I’ll be up in one second. “My best friend screamed at me from the living room was (he knew she was there because he keeps all his and his mothers movies there)

“Alrighty hurry it up.” I screamed at her to hurry because it was getting late and all I wanted to do was eat with my best friend who I think I’m in love with and watch a movie.


********** PENELOPE POINT OF VIEW**********

"Okay Harry these are the movies I picked." I was panting a bit from the little mini jog up the stair case it hit me that I was very fit but my stamina was low maybe I should go out with harry and his friends to play more football (aka soccer). "Bring em over here Penelope" harry interrupted my thought while patting a spot on his bed for me to place the movie selection. This took about ten minutes to finally decide which ones I was bringing up to show and tell the finally choice. “So I brought up the movies finding memo, men in black, hang over, shark tale, the 10th kingdoms, and toy story one, two, and three.” I pointed each of them out as I exclaimed there names out loud to harry. All he did was nod and look at each one examining them as I pointed them out. He cleared his throat and that got my attention so I tilted my heard up and looked in his direction. He was on his bed and I was on the floor so I got on my knees to be somewhat eye level with him.

“well Penelope um I –I was thinking maybe we can just uh um maybe listen to music and hang out and talk because I’m tired of watching movies ya know I ju-just want to spend the time I have left with you before I go away and we won’t be able to chat and get in a few giggles if were watching a film and I want to make this the best few days.”  He sounded so sweet sincere and loving but he was so chocked up on it, it was so cute but at the end he made it sound like he only had three days to live and he wanted to make it the best last three days of his life before he left me all alone on this planet to battle the world without him. To be honest it really was personally to me, Harry and me against the world. I was sucked out of my thought for the second time in less than ten minutes “well what do you say kitten? You up for it?” he said with a spark in his eyes “hmmm I don’t think so harry I mean that’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever said …..OF COURSE I WANT TO JUST CHILL duhhh whatever you want!!!”

I was laughing by the end of my reply to haz because his facial expression was so unbearable he actually thought I was insulting him because of his idea which I loved it was defiantly a brilliant one. I want to spend as much time as possible with him before he goes to audition. “Oh Lord Penelope I am so going to get you for that one you gave me a mini heart attack thinking you hated my idea my heart sunk to the bottom THE PIT of my stomach when you said that I felt like an idiot for bringing it up man your scary good!!” he then jumped off the bed on to the floor where I was and tackled me while still in a fit of laughter that him and I were still in. “Awww hehehe poor hahaha ha-har-harry HAHAHA g-get  off ……..hahahahaha hehehehe of me ….. Ahhh hahaha I’m go-going to pee pee m-myself!!!!Hahaha.” I could barely breath harry hit every single tickle spot I started to freak out and hit him and he rolled over a laughed he didn’t mind because he knew it was not on purpose and he was the one who came at me so yup hahah.  

*********** HARRY’S POINT OF VIEW*******

Penelope and I were fooling around on the floor I was tickling the shit out of her she looked so beautiful when she was laughing her nose would crinkle and her eyes would get tiny. Her breath taking laugh would dance around in my head bringing me joy and laughter. Man how was I lucky to get this girl to be my best friend since pre-k and then find out that she likes me more than a friend and that feeling is mutual. She was finally in the attack state when you tickle someone and she accidentally slapped me but I was okay with that and just rolled over and off of her. We were lying next to each other on the floor panting her more then I but it was fine. Suddenly a loud ding rang to my ears it was the front door most likely the pizza so I sprung up and dashed for the door “That’s the pizza Penelope I’ll be right back!!” with that she nodded and when I got to the door it was a women maybe seventeen or eighteen see was beautiful one hundred percent an eye grabber kind of girl. Her blonde hair fell down to her hips mind you it was in a pony tail her blue eyes were piercing she was lovely “Hi that will be $25.30 sir” she said passing me the boxes of pizza and sodas I placed it on the table next to the door. “Thank you “she waited for me to give her the money and I reached in my pocket for it but my wallet wasn’t there I was about to scream for Penelope to bring it to me but she was already right behind me with that face that clearly states ‘aren’t you forgetting something’ she giggled opened it took out the money “Here you go sorry for the wait have a nice night.” Penelope told the girl and shut the door. “Nice move Harold what were you planning on pulling out your ‘charm’ and getting it for free or just simply forgot what you were planning on paying for the food with ?” she laughed and put quotations around the word charm. “I just simply forgot my wallet up stairs common human mistake boo.” I replied to her picked up the food she grabbed the sodas and we dash up the stairs.


We ran up with the food and drink to his room once again his scent hit me like a gust of wind and made my stomach toss and turn butterfly were flying in my belly. I was so happy to be here with him. “Okay let get on to YouTube” I shouted as I set the stuff on the floor and grabbed his laptop and logging in. “alright well let’s see what song do you want to listen too?” I asked him typing in YouTube in to Google search. “Well I was thinking since we’re here and two heads are better than one we can find the perfect song for me to audition with what you think?” he asked “hmm of course duh I would love to help you okay so let’s get started then shall we?” I said in a very posh voice “we shall my lady” he said mimicking my voice.

“Okay how about this song?”I asked shoving the headphone into his ear. “Um good song but hell nah!!” she sassed me along with snapping his figures in a z formation “how about this one” “nope” he replied popping the p in the nope “this one?” “I don’t think it suits me next” “alright this one?” “It’s not very me” he told me gesturing his hands

***** two hours later*****

“oh my gosh we’ve listened to over a hundred song and you didn’t like any of them I’m going to show you ONE more and then that is it lights out for BOTH of us okay harry?!?!?!” I said in a tired stern voice because we had been searching for a song for hours and it was like 3:49 a.m and I was tired “okay here put this on and listen to it will you?” “Alright alright I’m going “he replied and yawned at the end I could tell that he was getting sleepy as well as me.

****about 2 to 3 minutes later***

“PENELOPE THIS IS IT THIS IS MY SONG I HAVE TO USE IT THANK YOU I LOVE IT!!!” harry was jumping up and down happy with my last song selection for the night he was going to use the song thank the lord we found one!! “Yaaaa THAT’S great harry I’m happy you like it” I said with the best tired smile I can pull off. “One thing before we go to bed my little green pea” he said as we were climbing into his bed. “What is it Harold?”I said getting annoyed “where did you find that song???” he asked me pulling the covers to are chins. “Well before my dad left me and my mom he would sing it to me before I would go to sleep.” I said eyes closing slowly remembering sweet thought of my dad. “Would you like me to sing it to you Penelope?” “Yes please!” ……


                              :)      IMPORTANT MESSAGE MUST READ!!!!!!!   :)

sorry i havent updated in like a week or so i've been really lazy im not going to lie but beacuse of my lazy-ness i made this chapter really long for you and the mystery song oh what could it be ???? you'll just have to tune in for the next chapter to roll on in boo boo hahaha so yeah i hope you in joy it my BEAUTIFUL readers

for the next chapter to be updated i want 400 reads 5 votes and 10 comments please lets set this as are goal i know we can get the reads and votes just im if-y on the comment but please make it happen if you want more please leave me things to improve on and a name to ship harry and penelope :) because im not sure how to mash there names togeher so leave your idea and thoughts in the comment box below 

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