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A/N This chapter has FAUL language so if you get offened by that Don't read it you HAVE been told enjoy!!!

Mystery persons p.o.v

The beat was heavy and bouncing off the walls the room was so hot it was oozing off of my skin in smoking rays, sweaty dirty dancers were their whether you looked left or right, they were there. The DJ would drop the beat and everyone would just party harder like if it was the 1930's where all they did was just this, but one couldn't ever compare. Those were the golden ages, Life was impeccable marvelous even if you would I just love the Great Gatsby just that erra in general its just a plus .

"What the fuck am I talking about I have an assignment I must complete." I said to myself not only was I pulled from my thoughts mentally but I was pulled physically by a rather pretty young lady.  She had long dark brown hair and eyes that match caramelized apples to perfection, she was short too what a score! (well shorter than him)what can I say I'm a guy. She stared up at me with big wild eyes she said something but I couldn't catch what it was so I bent my knee quite a bit and she repeated herself. "Dance with me?" I pulled away I looked at her... bent down so i was just under her ear and whispered "sure thing princess" see smiled and pulled me more to the most crowded place in the room where the dirty dancers didn't care who they would accidentaly bump into, it was the center of the room to my misfortune! before we began to dance I pulled her close to my chest and whispered in her ear once more and asked her something. "what's your name?"..... she looked into my eyes and said "Sofia... but you can call me Sofi." she looked at me and smiled. "Alright sofi let's party!" she grabbed me and started to move her body I placed my hands on her hips and pulled her closer she swayed to the beat in perfect rhythm. Gosh this was to hot I might lose it she so short and BEAUTIFUL I-I can't. I haven't felt so highly intoxicated by somebody and the way they move or take a single breath of air or step in a while it feels as if I've almost forgotten

Sofia's p.o.v

I grabbed the first guy in sight and to my wonderful luck he was very good looking! He was tall maybe a whole six iches taller blue eyes black hair, "dance with me?" he didn't answer he looked and leaned in so my mouth was closer to his ear I repeated my previous question. He looked at me bent his knees and pulled my by my waistline and said "sure thing princess." He smirked at me he leaned in again. "what's your name?" I looked him in the eyes "Sofia..... but you can call me sofi." I looked at him "Alright Sofi let's party!" with that I grabbed him and took him to the most skin tight place in this club the center where everyone party's there hardest! I felt his hands on my hips he pulled me in close I haven't seen someone watch me so intensively as if placing mental notes deep in their head locked away to be unlocked later when to later understand how I am and how to know how I feel when I do certian gestures. We started to dance the music boomed and ran through my veins alcohol from earlier courses through my body pumping in my heart evading my senses! I have such an a live feeling. The beat dropped and everything went silent "WOOOOO TURN UP!!!" everyone screamed and threw there fist up I looked at the guy I was dancing with and he laughed but through his up as well.

*later* Sofia's p.o.v

After several rounds of shots and multiple song danced to I was finally ready to leave but I couldn't just leave this piece of sex god no way he danced with me the whole night and drank a couple shots too. He was sitting at the bar because 'his legs needed a break' psh I have six inches of a stick coming out of the bottom of my shoes to look hot and you don't hear me say I need a seat but then again I wear heals a lot. I was still dacing by myself putting a show for Mr. sex on legs he just racked his eyes up my body and right back down I turned my back so he could get a good view of what he isn't getting tonight! I felt two hands snake around my hips and I didn't even think to look back I pulled my hand up and into his hair, less than ten seconds of my hand tugging he was jerked away from me I turned around to see mystery man beating the shit out of a blonde guy! WHAT in the actual flying fuck is happening why.... shit he's going to kill the guy this needs to stop NOW!

Mystery guy ;) p.o.v

I watched as sofi dance and swayed her body to the beat of the music. Her dancing was intoxicating me in arousal she just kept at it I swear I was going to tap that. It's like god was testing how far I would go for her because this guy pop out of no where and grinds on her like it's nothing! I was waiting for her to push him away and politely tell him to back fuck up and get his ass away but she probably thought it was me I presume, she seemed so attracted and gravitational pulled towards me. sadly the odds our never in my favor (a/n hunger games motherfuckers woooo love that shit) he was pisssing me off touching her when she clearly was MINE ... *maybe not so clear since I wasn't with her* the anger boild in me rushing through my veins pumping in my heart. the signals in my brain rast to the finish line to give the out coming product of my reactions. I got up and rush over to the man grabbed the back of his shirt and pushed him to the floor I crouched beside him and pulled my arm back. to the connect my fist to his face on the first blow I felt the flesh of my knuckles  be pride open into cuts from impact. I kept punching him I saw fear cross her face but he pissed me of. I saw from my peripheral vision two body guards come my way.  They yanked me away how rude! ' what in the bloody hell do ya think ya doing fella this isn't so club for that kinda shit!' the guard with fierce blue eyes said. " that guy was touching my.girl over there now let me go!" I thrashed in there grasp " we have to escort you out sir." the bold one said flatly.  "sofi come with me please.... let me go talk to her let go." I looked at her with pleading eyes all she did was nod and follow I still didn't quick though I wanted to show myself out for fucking crying out loud!

*Outside of the club*

Once asshole one and two put me down I dusted myself off and flicked them off and walked up to sofi. " I'm sorry I couldn't handle that guy touching you like that it bothered me." I waited for her response she just stared at me and chuckled " It's fine I honestly thought it was you behind me ... thanks ... I'm tired though." her lips finally met once again and stayed shut till I could reply. "Want to go to my place?"... " Sure .. but no funny business understood?" her voice was sturn and dominate all I did was nod and linked are hand together and lead her to my car till our 20 mintue drive was over and we could crash.

chapter completed I haven't updated in like two months sorry I'm not going to lie ..... I'm extremely lazy I don't even know how I even complete my homework but I hope you like this chapter and I'm going to see if I can work a schedule for updating you know so yeah! I wonder who this guy is don't you ? and what do YOU think ABOUT Ms. Sofia? any who hoped you like it and again feel free to READ, VOTE, And COMMENT I love hearing back from you it's awesome sauce  and go and share this with yo friends mkay till next time my sexy sauces may the odds be ever in your favor happy HUNGER GAMES ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2014 ⏰

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