20. Photographic Love

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Harry's POV

"No, stay." Elizabeth mumbled half asleep as I tucked her into bed. I smile.

"I just have to make a call baby, I'll be right back." I murmur. "Go to sleep." I say leaning down kissing her forehead before walking out of the bedroom shutting the door behind me.

"Come on, Misty." I call to her who was laying out in the hallway. "Let's take you to your bed."

Misty stands following me downstairs into the living area. I pick up her dog bowl next to her bed by the couch taking it into the kitchen. I dig out my phone from my pocket and diall Eleanor's number while I fill Misty's bowl with water.

"Hey Harry." Eleanor greets happily as always. "How are you? How is Elizabeth?"

"Um, she's fine now. We talked this out." I say walking out of the kitchen into the living area. I smile seeing Misty already in her bed.

"It wasn't a nice conversation but we worked it out." I add placing the doggy bowl next to Misty's bed before patting her head.

"So, why do you think this is happening?" Eleanor mutters, slightly hesitant about asking the question.

"I have no idea." I sigh sitting in the couch running a hand through my hair. "But what ever it is we will be okay."

"Good. So what did you need?"

Elizabeth's POV

My eyes flutter open feeling soft warm fingers brush against my cheek.

"Morning." I mutter groggily, smiling at Harry still half asleep.

"Morning. I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you." Harry say smiling apologetically at me. Harry had his left arm folded behind his head, his bare chest exposed by the sheets covering the lower half of his body. His beautiful soft brown curls were messy mop at the top of his head.

"It's okay." I smile reaching over placing my hand on the back of his head massaging my fingers through his hair.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Good." I nod. "And you?"

"As best as I could."

"What do you mean?" I frown, blinking at him confused.

"You were talking last night in your sleep. You're worried." I look down removing myself from his concerned, green eyed stare.

"I'm sorry." I blush, embarrassed for keeping him up. Harry places his hand beneath my chin lifting my head up pressing his lips to mine, kissing me gently.

"Don't be." He mutters against my lips. I smile pressing my lips to his wanting a longer kiss. Harry chuckles shifting on his back so I can turn and lay on top of him.

After he pulls away I rest my head on his chest as he gently stroked his hand through my hair.

"Last night I was thinking about something." He says clearing his throat.

"Oh," I say, intrigued. "What were you thinking about?"

"I wanted to know if you would like to go out for lunch or something; just to get your mind off of things."

"Really?" I say lifting my head off his chest to look up at him. Harry nods, giving me a shy smile.


"Are you sure she will be okay?" I ask Harry, as we stood inside a dog grooming salon, starring down at Misty who was laying on the floor chewing on her toy.

"She will be fine, miss." The short brunette women reassured as she moved around the counter to stand beside us. "Misty,will be in excellent hands."

Through the Enlightenment (Harry Styles)[Bk.3]Where stories live. Discover now