60. Better or Not Better?

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*Warning: Mature Content.*

Elizabeth's POV

My eyes open, blinking at the bright sunlight seeping through the small part between the cream colored curtains. I lift my head off Harry's chest, keeping my hand in place on his sternum, glancing up seeing him fast asleep with his head facing towards me. I smile, feeling his chest rise and fall with each slow heavy breath he took in slumber.

"I love you." I whisper, laying my arm across his torso, leaning up kissing his cheek then the corner of his mouth.

I feel his breathing change beneath me as I kiss the other corner of his mouth, his lips pulling into the tiniest, tiniest of smiles. I roll my eyes as he keeps his eyes closed, pretending to be asleep.

Fine, I'll wake you up.

Pressing a gentle kiss on his lips, I move onto him keeping the bedsheets over us. I kiss his jaw then his neck before I lower myself and press a kiss on his sternum slowly making a trail of kisses down his chest to his torso. I lift my lower half off his body, shifting onto my knees, sneakily reaching one of my hands between us to firmly grasp him in my hand.

I grin, in satisfaction as his eyes shot open, hitching in a breath.

"Morning." I purr, even though I know it wasn't morning, but it was for our little world.

Harry narrows his eyes at me, pressing his lips into a tight smile. "You don't play fair." He pouts, his voice thick and husky.

"I never said I did." I smirk. "Besides, it's your fault for not waking up."

"Well I'm awake now." He nods and I roll my eyes, climbing off him.

"Good, now get up so we can go and eat." I say laying beside him, holding myself up on my elbow.

"No." He groans.

"Aren't you hungry?" I ask, looking at him appalled.

"No, I ate last night." He replies playfully, biting on the inside of his cheek to suppress his smirk bit failed miserably as his lips pulled into a wide grin. My eyes widen.

"Harry!" I gasp, slapping his arm, but not hard enough for it to hurt. Harry laughs.

"I am hungry. Just not for food." He says trailing seductively.

I giggle. "Is sex all you think about now? I think we are bad influences on each other."

"No, sex isn't all I think about..." He trails, reaching over placing his hand on my side, the other behind my thigh to pull me on top of him. I sit and straddle his waist just like before, but this time I could feel him beneath me.

Oh God, this isn't going to end well...

I curse at myself for teasing Harry, now he will just tease me back, and I have no idea if I should be scared or thrilled.

"I think about your lips against mine." He says reaching up placing his hand on my neck, pulling my face down to his so his lips brush against mine. "And around me..."

Yeah...this isn't going to end well.

"I think about my face between your legs and-"

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