66. This Is It

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Elizabeth's POV

"Harry, I think I should go back to Peter." I say, hesitant at to what his reaction will be, as we hurry down the hall.

"What? Why!" He says, coming to a stop before turning around to face me with wide eyes.

"Because he thinks I'm on his team. What if I just play along until we find a perfect way to take him out." I shrug.

Harry shakes his head. "No. I just got you back. I can't-"

"Harry, if he finds out I'm with you, that I'm no longer influenced by him, then Peter will manage to lock all of us in and we won't be able to stop him." I warn, looking anxiously up at him.

He frowns. "Ellie, I-"

"I know." I interrupt him, reaching up to place my hand on his cheek. "I don't like it either, but you know I'm right."

Harry's face scrunched up in pain and uncertainty. "But Peter is dangerous. I can't just let you-"

"The sooner we do it. The sooner we finish this." I say, trying to convince him. "Everything will be okay."

"Together remember?" I add.

"Okay," Harry reluctantly agrees after a moment. "But if something does go wrong, I'll be right on over."

I smile. "I know you will, you're my guardian angel. You always have been."

"No baby." He shakes his head, while placing his hands on my waist. "I'm just the devil looking out for an angel surrounded by demons, sinning against his own nature."

"I love you." I say pressing my lips to his, his fingers gently pressing into my sides, pulling me closer. After a few seconds I pull away and Harry bites on both of his lips together as if to stop himself from kissing me some more, reminding himself that we have to hurry.

"I love you." He nods, looking down at my lips. "Be careful."

"I will." I say kissing his soft lips once more before dashing down the other direction of the hall.

Harry's POV

"Harry, there you are!" Niall says just as I turn the corner to the other hall, making me come to a stop. "I was getting worried. I couldn't find you anywhere and then the explosion went off..." He trails.

"Did you find Elizabeth?"

"Yes," I nod.

"Where is she?" He asks, moving his eyes around and behind me, looking for any sign of Elizabeth.

"She went back with Peter. I managed to reel her back in but she says she's going to go back and pretend like she is still working with him." I explain. "Just until we figure out a way to take him down without hurting her."

Niall's eyes suddenly widen at me in horror. "What? Why would you do that?"

"I know it sounds bad but it's the best shot we have and-"

"No, Harry. Do you realize what you did?"

"What?" I frown.

Niall groans in frustration rolling his eyes at me. "Damn Harry, do you not know the legends?"

"No, what?" I demand.

"So far the legend has proven to be true, so just like you can either help Elizabeth destroy you can also help her be good."

"Yeah, so?" I blink, still not understanding.

"So, you are the one that truly controls her Harry. You're connection to her is much stronger than any blood line." He explains, my lips parting at his words.

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