Rose, the Stealer of his Nose

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As we walked through the dark tunnels, Claire's hand slipped into mine. I didn't know what to do...
I'm scared of the dark.
Oh and NOW you tell me?
So--wait, did you hear that? It was like a light popping.
Yeah I di--there it is again!
"Did you hear that?" I said aloud.
"Probably just the lights popping. It happens all the time." Said Brenda. I was content with that until I heard the voice.
"Rose took my nose, I suppose." I stopped and turned around. Claire's grip tightened.
"Rose took my nose I suppose." Repeated the noseless crank behind us.
"It really blows."he said. Then he began to laugh hysterically at his own meek attempts at humor.
"Real funny stuff, pal. But we'd better be on our way..." Brenda said.
"Actually, I kind of want my nose back. My friends would like it too. But I guess yours will have to do!" He said manically. We turned and ran, all the while Claire holding my hand. I was glad. At least she'd know if one of them got me; my hand would be torn out of her grip. Our four sets of feet slammed on the ground and splashed through occasional puddles. Suddenly I heard Brenda stop.
"Sh... I know a place." She said. We walked quietly into a room, and crawled under a table. Brenda opened up a panel in the wall. Claire and I climbed in followed shortly by Brenda and Thomas. She closed the panel.
"Little boy... Little girls... Come out come out wherever you are." Taunted the Crank.
"I WANT YOUR NOSES!" He screamed manically.
They entered the room.
"They're not in here." Said a voice.
"Are too!" Said Noseless.
"Are not!"
"Are too are too ARE TOO!" Screamed Noseless.
They left the room finally. Brenda let out a small sigh and then the panel was ripped  open.

Ha ha cliffhanger! Sorry it's been so long. I got caught up in...things. It's complicated. It'll make sense in time. Thanks so much for almost 150 reads!!! And if you guys have some spare time, go check out my pals over on @FangirlOverlord13 if you like one-shots or that youtuber danisnotonfire. (Idk I don't watch you tube)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2015 ⏰

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