A New Member

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| B e n |
I had finally gotten out of Boston and to Vegas, where this supposedly 'awesome and badass' singer/songwriter has a band, according to Wayne.
He better not be lying I thought.
I had no clue where I was. One, I had never been to Vegas before, and two, Wayne never gave me the guy's number or told me where this place was. I pulled out my phone, and text Wayne.
Dude where the fuck am I
You're here?
No. I have no fucking clue where I am right now
What's around you?
What exactly is around you Ben
Restaurants. Hotels. Lights.
You know what just call me.
I dialed his number and called. Surprisingly, he answered in the first few rings.
"Where are you, Ben?" he asked, as I heard a few voices in the back.
"I'm guessing downtown," I responded, unsure.
"You're not even close to where we are."
"Studio is in the outskirts of Vegas."
"You mean I walked all the way from the airport to here for nothing?!" I yelled.
"Yeah. Just get a taxi or something."
"I'm going to kill you, Sermon."
"Great! See you soon."
"I don't think soon is going to be soon for me," I sighed as I hung up.
Then, I began looking for a taxi. Every damn time I lifted my hand up to call one, it'd drive right past me, even if it had no one in it.
I felt a drop of water on my shoulder. Great. Rain. I went up to tons of people, asking if they could drive me, but denied me.
"Do you know who I am?!" I asked.
"No. You look like a clueless tourist."
"I am Ben motherfucking McKee!! Learn the name because you'll be wishing you had my autograph now in a few years!"
And was I right? Probably.
After being soaked in the rain for a long time, I finally got into a taxi.
"Just take me to the outskirts of this place."
"Where?" he asked again.
"Dammit. Let me text this idiot."
Where exactly is this place?
No shit, Sherlock. Where?
Let me ask Dan.
So that's the guy's name
I never told you?
You didn't tell me shit about him
He's great. You'll love him
Do you love him?
Oh so Sermon's turning gay for someone he just met?
You're blushing behind that screen. I can tell ;)
Yes you are. Anyways lesson is that you have a man crush on this Dan guy you just met a few days ago.
Have you asked your boyfriend yet?
Stop. Dan said to just go north for now. The place is kinda by itself. Get off the freeway right when you start seeing desert.
Okay. I'll leave you two to get back at what you were doing ;)
I smirked at my phone, and told the driver where to go. I looked out the window the entire time, thinking about
the mess I got myself into. I thought about how bad I messed up my future, or how I made the better decision.
"Thanks, man," I said as I have him $20 and left the car.
I looked at the small building from the outside, and it looked a little crappy. I walked closer and entered.
Bitch I'm outside
I sent the message and stepped out the building, since it was too complicated for me to figure out my way by myself. Soon, I saw Wayne, who greeted me with a smile.
"Long time no see?"
"I guess so."
"Come on. Let's go so you can meet the others."
"I wanna meet your boyfriend!" I yelled excitedly, like a little boy in a toy store.
"Shut up."
We entered, and I saw three people, who were sitting down and staring at me.
"What are you looking at?" I asked, concerned. "Is it my shirt?"
They chuckled and this tall guy stood up. And damn was he tall.
"Woah.." I whispered.
"I'm Dan," he introduced, putting out his hand. I gave Wayne a sly smile, and he just shakes his head.
"I'm Andrew."
"Brittany. Nice to meet you!"
"So what's this all about? This idiot here didn't tell me much," I pointed at Wayne.
"Just for fun? For now, I guess. We're called Imagine Dragons."
"Nice, nice," I commented, and pretended I was taking notes on a notepad.
"I think I'm gonna like this guy," the guy Andrew said.
"Have you guys done any songs?"
"A few."
"How many?"
"Like twenty?"
"A lot can happen in a few days," he said calmly.
"Damn you, Sermon."
The laughs echo the studio, and I stood there in victory.

I knew, then, that I made the right decision in dropping out of college.

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