Hell and Silence

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Two waynesus chapters in a row woahh new record

| W a y n e |

I was in the band for awhile and I still couldn't get over how talented everyone is. Especially Dan. The lyrics are just.. They leave me speechless.

"Hell and silence, I can fight it, I can fight it."

As I hear the vocals I automatically came up with parts for the song. Writing music is something that comes to al of us, so we can make and start on so many songs in one day.
I looked up and saw Dan in front of me.
"What's up?"
"You know, I never told you how talented you are, have I?"
"Nope. It's completely fine, though."
"No, no. I seriously need to tell you more. The things you write are just amazing! I can't believe you chose to be in a small band like us compared to bigger ones that would love someone as talented as you."
"I'm perfectly fine with this one, actually. All of you are talented. Especially you."
"Really? I guess I'm okay."
"No. You're.. More than okay. I don't even have words to describe how talented you are."
"Thanks, man. I appreciate it. I'll leave you to whatever you were writing. Looked like you were really focused. Sorry! It sounds great, though," he said as he walked away from me.
I got back to writing and playing until the day was done, before we released our newest EP, Hell and Silence.
"Let's cele-"
"No." everyone interrupted Ben.
"But why?" he whined.
"We don't want whatever happened last time I happen again."
"I promise I won't get lost!! Really!"
"Fine," he sighed.
Dan handed him a bottle of beer he got from the fridge, and the way Ben's face lit up was hilarious.
"No freakin' way!! Where'd you get this?!"
"I bought it so you wouldn't have to go and get lost again. I knew you'd want something. It's the least I could do," Dan smiled.
"Woah!! This is almost as great as bacon!"
"Yeah! Bacon is my life."
Everyone laughed, and we talked more and more about almost anything. That's what I love about these people. Our bond was that great. Who knew that would happen. This little band who was almost homeless could have smiles so big about releasing an EP almost no one would buy or hear of unless we got famous.


"Hey guys... I fucking love you."
"We love you too..?"
"No, seriously. I wanna date you," a very drunk Ben says to Dan. "You're just so.. Perfect.."
I could tell Dan was getting uncomfortable, so I laughed about it.
"Hey, Ben."
"What's up, hot stuff?"
"Wanna go to bed?"
"As long as it's with one of you, I'm fine," he points at me and Dan. "Or are you sleeping together? I can join you."
"Come on," I dragged him to his room, and laid him on the floor, and covered him in a blanket.
"Hey, Wayne."
"Tell Dan I want more bacon and beer tomorrow morning."
I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Of course, Ben."
"I actually really like him, you know."
I gave him a questioned look.
"I never really thought I would, considering I didn't know who the fucker was until I met him, but he's actually good. And talented as fuck."
"I guess I'll have to agree with that."
"I'll love him more if he does what I told you."
"I'll see if I can convince him.."
"Bacon and beer!!" he said as I left the room.

We may not be your average band, but I don't care. It's fun as hell and I love being a part of it.

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