Chapter 7

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Lena's pov

I walk in my house my brain is going every where its asking all these questions did I really just go on a date with Gerard way? I did not really talk and that's usual of me but gee did not really talk I wonder if he was shy? well he did ask me out again this time for dinner but it will be next week I know he has a lot of things to do but I've gotta rest this day has been very good and exciting well to me I don't know about him but I think he had a good time also I really hope he did! But my head is really hurting from all this excitement! I've gotta lay down now and maybe dream about gee.

Gerard's pov
Ah tonight was perfect I thought is was at least but I hope Lena had a good time I know we didn't talk much but I couldn't stop looking at her beautiful big eyes they were so so blue like the sea i have a very big thing for eyes, and then her lips she had this black lipstick, on it looked so great on her her lips were very big and plump I really wish I could of kissed them, but I felt them on my cheek when she kissed me on the cheek her kiss was very light but it did so much damage, but I think next time I'm going to be able to kiss her beautiful lips, but I'm not getting my hopes up haha. I really want to take her out to the nicest restaurant in town! I'm not sure where though  I will have to call around. And this time i have to talk my heart out, because  it was kind of awkward I was, she wasn't but I was just looking at her beauty the whole time. 

Lena's Pov.

I wake up, feeling so damn good!, i don't feel bad one bit! my body is not hurting too!, like it does always! this is an amazing feeling!, i guess i am in love with my idol, and this time it is not! imaginary! sometimes that has happen...but! not now! i smile and go get my phone off the charger, to see if i have any new messages, and there is one! from gee a text message! i am very surprised he can actually text, haha i open the text, and see that is says ''good morning my beautiful girl! i hope your having a great day! i know i am! i am just remembering are date last night i can't keep my mind off you i really like you Lena, well i will talk to you later goodbye Lena''oh my lord, he he called me his beautiful girl!! I can't even think straight!, i love him so so much!! i know its really early to say that, but i have been in love with gee for many years! and now he's like my boyfriend i guess? i am not sure if we are dating yet but i hope we date soon, i just really just can't believe i am going out on my second date, with Gerard way! well i have to believe it now, that Gerard way wants to date me! ah!! i scream of happiness i need to go to work today, and i am not that mad that i have to go to work aha. i grab my work clothes and go in the shower. 

Hi! Killjoys! i am sorry this chapter was so short! but i had to update something i am working on three stories currently! i will try to update them all as soon as possible! Thanks for reading!! -Sara 

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