Chapter 1

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I woke up with the sound of breaking glass. I opened my eyes and saw my dad laying on the floor, surrounded by pieces of glass. I sighed and got up, being careful not to step in the glass  myself and only make everything worse. I helped my dad to his feet and we stumbled back to his room. When he was fast asleep in his bed, I walked back, grabbing the vacuum cleaner from the corner to clean up the mess he made. Why did he have to come to my room today? Why couldn't he just pass out on the couch like he always did?

When I was finally done I noticed that it was already time to get ready. Today was the day I would go back to school. I dropped out two years ago, I needed money more than I needed an education. 

When I dropped out I started working at a bakery during the day, and I worked at a restaurant at night. It wasn't perfect, and of course I would rather go to school than have two jobs, but I didn't have much of a choice. My dad didn't have a job and we simply couldn't lose the house. The only thing we had left that reminded me of my mother. I didn't even think my dad was aware of what I was doing at the moment. He probably wasn't sober enough or he was asleep. 

I grabbed my new books from the small table in the corner of my room. They had arrived in the mail yesterday. I wasn't exactly looking forward to go back to school. I had to give up half of my work in the bakery. Thank god the woman who owned the bakery had told me I could keep my job if I made a few extra hours in the weekends. I had gladly accepted the offer and promised her I would try to get there as soon as possible, when school was over.

I couldn't believe one mistake was about to change my whole life. My life wasn't perfect, it was far from it, but I had been able to get through the days and pay the bills. 

I went downstairs to pour myself a cup of tea. I texted my best friend Zayn not to forget that we had to go back to school today and that I would be at his house around 8 o'clock. 

Zayn sent me an angry text message back, that he wasn't going, he had better things to do. I laughed at it, he didn't have a choice. If it wasn't for Zayn's stupid friends we wouldn't even be in this situation right now. If we hadn't been so stupid and so naive, I would be going to work right now and Zayn could do what ever the hell he was going to do anyway. 

I grabbed my bag and left the house. It was still dark outside and it was freezing. My clothes weren't even close to warm enough for this temperature. I wrapped my arms around myself to protect my body from the cold winter air. Why did that damn school have to be at the other side of town? Couldn't they keep an eye on us on a school closer to our houses? 

When Zayn had asked me if I wanted to help him and his friends out and earn some money with it I had, being the stupid ass I am, agreed. I could use the money and of course I would help a friend out. I should have known. But  being as naïve as I am, I obviously never expected that helping him out would mean dealing drugs. And if I had to believe his words, neither had he. When we both found out there was no way back, and I still hated myself for going that road. If Zayn's so called ‘friends’ hadn't left us behind when the cops arrived we probably would have gotten away with it, but somewhere I was glad they caught us. I would have felt guilty all my life.

When I arrived at Zayn's house I was so cold that every part of my body hurt. Zayn opened the door himself and let me in. The warmth of his house immediately made me feel so much better.

"Have you already eaten something this morning, Harry?" Zayn's mother, who just came in, asked.

I shook my head and she nodded understandingly, before she disappeared to the kitchen. Zayn's mother and probably Zayn as well, were probably the only ones alive who knew about my home situation. Zayn’s mom used to be friends with my mom. We never talked about it though, it would hurt too much.

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