Chapter 17

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MY LAPTOP IS FIXED EXCUSE ME WHILE I HAVE A DANCE PARTY ON MY OWN! I'm just really happy I have it back, because writing on my phone is such a pain ugh. Anyways, here is a chapter to celebrate wooo! Hope you enjoy it! Thanks for reading and I love you all!



Somehow I found my way back to Zayn's house, the only place I felt like going right now. As soon as he saw my face he knew that it didn't went well and he pulled me in for a hug. We went upstairs to his room. Liam was sitting on his bed. I immediately regretted coming here. I was interrupting what ever was going on between those two and I would feel like a burden the whole time.

"I already explained what happened and Liam believes you." Zayn said, sitting down next to Liam.

"Yep, team Ziam is going to help you convince Louis that you are innocent." he smiled.

"Team Ziam?" I chuckled. "You guys are worse than Louis and me. Well how we used to be I guess."

"And how you guys will be again. He will come around don't worry about that, Harry." Liam said. "Just give him some time. We'll let him sleep for now, and talk to him tomorrow. Maybe we all should go to sleep, I'm really tired myself and you look bloody exhausted to be honest."

I nodded. "I think I'm gonna go to my own house then. Check on my dad and sleep in my own bed, might be good for now."

"Do you need a ride?" Zayn offered but I shook my head. "Maybe some fresh air can clear my head a bit, I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow then."

"Just try to get some sleep and don't worry too much about it okay?" Zayn asked and I nodded. I hugged them both goodbye and left the house.

It was freezing outside and it was raining like crazy. The weather matched my feeling completely and I didn't even care anymore at this point. I just felt so empty inside. I knew this feeling all too well and I hated it more than anything. Even though I had seen Louis like an hour ago, I already missed him more than ever and i just wanted him back.

I couldn't believe he had just given up on me. He didn't believe me whatever I said and he had just thrown it all away. One mistake, that wasn't even my fault for godsake, and my whole world was gone with the wind.

When I got at my house I was soaking wet. I went to my room, that I didn't even consider as my room, I hated this place. I stripped off my wet clothes and changed into a sweater and sweatpants because I was absolutely freezing. I had expected that I would just cry myself to sleep, but that didn't happen. I just felt too empty to even cry. I curled up in a ball and a few moments later sleep knocked me out.


When I woke up it was Sunday. I slept trough half of the day and the whole night. I must have been exhausted.

I went downstairs and to my biggest surprise I saw my dad sitting on the table behind his laptop, in his normal clothes. He looked like how he used to look when he was still that hardworking dad. It was strange, but a good strange. Maybe he could get better by himself.

"Goodmorning." I spoke.

"Oh, Harry. You are home, I thought you would stay at that boys house for a couple more weeks." he said.

"His name is Louis and something happened so now I'm here."

"Well that is fine as well of course. If you are here anyway could you help me with something?" he asked. If I had been seated on a chair I would surely have fallen off it by now. My dad asked for help, that never happens. Never.

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