A Cherry Start

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Olivia's P.O.V:

I stepped out of the car and onto the pavement. The cool breeze gently lifted my hair from behind my ears. I looked at the new house in front of me. It was fairly big. The garden contained a pink cherry blossom tree covering the window of the lounge.

"How do you like the new house?" Mum asked anxiously beside me. I glanced at her stress ridden face. I swear she's more uncomfortable with this move than I am. And she's not even leaving behind friends she'd known all her life. But I guess it's a new start. And we all needed one. A life where there were no questions. No sympathy.

"We need to hurry up, it looks as if it will rain," Dad grumbled grabbing our suitcases from the boot of the car and dragging them towards the house. Mum followed him. I walked over to the tree. Lingering beside it, breathing in the slightly chilly air. It felt like a calming presence but it brought back some painful memories. There was a cherry blossom tree by our old house. I shook myself. No. This was a new start. Nothing from the past is getting me again.

I turned to go back inside when a boy standing by the window of the house opposite caught my eye. He was shirtless showing off his beautifully toned abs. He was staring at me as if he was trying to work out a puzzle. He had handsome olive skin and great eyebrows that framed his hazel eyes. His dark thick hair was tousled as if he had just woken up. I looked at my watch. It was 11 o'clock. Guess he was having a lie-in then. I looked at him once more wondering whether I should smile or not just as the rain started to spatter down, threatening to drench me. I ran towards the door.

A new life. A new beginning. I was different now. Olivia Hatchman was going to start again. Make new friends and move on. I was excited as well as nervous. My stomach all tingly as I twisted the door knob and went in.  

Zayn's P.O.V  

*"NO!" I screamed. "It wasn't me! I was trying to help!"They didn't listen as they roughly pushed me into the back of the car. I screamed, I shouted, I kicked. Desperately trying to get away. This couldn't be happening! It wasn't me! I looked around widely, my eyes scanning every bit of what I could see. There! They now crowded him like a pack of bees.*

I woke with a start as the horrible memory etched around my consciousness. My duvet lay crumpled on the floor. I glanced at the clock, almost 11 o'clock. Mum and dad won't be back for another hour or so. They were out with their friends. I looked around my bedroom. Bottles were still on the floor from which Harry, Louis, Niall and I drank from last night (With Liam sipping coke in a corner). I had a splitting headache from it. But I had to clear up before my parents came home. They weren't strict or anything, knowing they couldn't get away with being like that with me, but they would go bonkers if they knew I bought alcohol into the house.

I had that dream again. I haven't had it for a while now. My head reeled with the memory and bitterness towards Max hurled around me. That dream is like a bad indication. As if something bad is about to happen and it's already reached my life whether I liked it or not.

I walked towards the window, not caring I didn't have a t-shirt on. My torso was pretty good, even though I do say so myself and pretty much all the girls in school. The sun was barely visible behind the grey clouds. It looked as if it will rain.

I was about to turn away when a girl in a red jumper standing by the cherry blossom tree by the house opposite caught my eye. She looked as if in a deep trance, her eyes closed. Her brown hair being lifted by the wind. Strange. I felt as if I've seen her before though I know that's not possibly true. Her family were obviously the ones that bought the house. Just as I was thinking this she looked up her green eyes meeting my brown ones. We stood there like that for a few seconds and I could see she was wondering whether to smile and be friendly or not but before she could make her decision, it started raining and she ran inside, lingering on the doorstep for a moment before she went in. I turned away from the window, still wondering whether I've seen her before. I knew I hadn't but her eyes held a strong resemblance for someone I knew. Like a string of a memory just out of reach. 

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