Tears and Thanks

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Then out of nowhere a scream filled the air. Olivia's scream. I ran forward without thinking. I reached the place I was sure that the scream came from, but there was no one there. There was a park nearby and I ran there. I looked around wildly, my eyes scanning every dark shadow. A déjà vu suddenly opened up for me.

*Déjà vu:

"No!" He screamed. "We were going to tell you! Please don't hurt her!" He pleaded at the figure by the trees. Max stepped out from the shadows of the park. Not very sturdy because he had too much to drink. We all did. He was gripping onto something. Something that glistened in the moonlight in the deserted park. My mouth opened and I felt numb as I realised what it was. NO! Not even Max would go that far!"*

My head reeled as I came back to my senses. A sudden guilt stabbed at me. I suddenly pictured him, lying in his coffin, scratching out his story on the lid that would never be revealed. His fingers raw and red, but his story clear and the culprit clear as well. My name would be on there too. Zayn Malik.

"Let go off me!" Olivia's shriek suddenly bought me back to my senses. Where was she? I looked around wildly in the direction of the shriek. There! Towards the edge of the park, by the trees I could almost make out her outline. There was a group of people surrounding her. Without thinking any further I ran towards her.

"Oh come on now babe! Don't go all frigid on me. I know you want me!" The person holding onto her hand mocked. He was holding a beer in his hand. All his friends laughed at the lame joke.

"Let go of her!" I shouted. They all spun around to face me and I saw Max holding onto Olivia. He looked shocked when he saw me, then a cruel grin appeared on his face. He took another swig of his beer, hovering towards Olivia. A bit too close. Olivia was trying to wrench free of his strong grip and I could see red marks on her hand.

"Oh yeah? What will you do Zayn Malik?" One of his stupid friends sneered at me. Well he was about to see. He staggered towards me, a hand reached out to push me in the chest. I grabbed his hand, twisted it round and pushed it up his back. He yelped in pain and a satisfaction filled me.

"Aww Zayn, don't get all angry." Max mocked. "Me, my mates and my girl here was just having some fun. Wanna join?" I felt the anger built up inside me.

"Zayn." Olivia shouted and I could see the desperation on her tear-stained face. I suddenly felt very weak, a strong emotion washed over me and I wanted to punch every single one of them for hurting her.

I pushed the guy I was holding out of the way and lunged straight at Max. I wrestled him to the ground, just as his friends pulled me back. One of them punched me in the face. Head throbbing I lashed out at him, letting all the anger flow into my punch. He doubled up in pain, clutching his face. And soon enough a red patch appeared on his white shirt. I looked around to see all his friends had disappeared.

"ZAYN! YOU LITTLE PRICK!" Max screamed aiming towards me. I grabbed his arm and punched him in the face.

"Ahh!" Max yelped. He got straight up and kicked me in the stomach. I lost my balance and fell over, Max jumped on top of me, pinning my arms to the ground.

"Nice to see you going soft for a girl who clearly hates you." Max smirked. At those words I summoned up all my strength and pushed him off me. I hit him in his cruel face. Again and again.

I punched him harder and harder, anger and adrenaline pumping in my veins. Tom tried to push me off once with a feeble kick. I got up and slammed him to the ground too, kicking out at them both.

"Zayn! ZAYN! Stop! That's enough!" Olivia screamed pulling at my arm. I kicked him, again and he whimpered slightly, rolling over in pain. I let myself be dragged away by Olivia towards the end of the park.

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