To Find Her

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1 Week Later

Olivia's P.O.V

I walk down the street, half an hour early to catch the different bus as usual so I don't have to face Zayn again. He hasn't got on the bus at all for the past week, bunking off most days and turning up late other days. So far I'd always tried to be nice and friendly towards him but he'd always been sulky and rude. Again the headteacher's comment about them being a 'friendly lot' popped into my head.

 The sun was glaring down on me making me squint, not looking where I was going; which was when I bumped straight into someone.

"OH! I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going!" I apologize and then pick up the bag on the floor which probably belonged to the person I bumped into. I looked up to see the person was Zayn.

"Oh h-hi Zayn!" I held the bag out to him, he grabbed it off me scowling and walked off, going in the same direction as me. Maybe he's getting the same bus.

"Hey Zayn if you're walking to the bus stop then we can walk together because you know what, I decided to take that one instead!" I chat away to him.

After a while he stopped and turned around. His brown eyes twinkling in the light.

He stared for a moment and then walked away. I felt a sharp pang of rejection. Jeez! What did I do? I felt my cheeks blush in embarrassment and I looked around quickly to see if anyone noticed.  I don't know why I feel embarrassed for him being rude but I did. 

Zayn's P.O.V

Unbelievable! I go to the trouble of getting up early just to avoid her and here she turns up! Urgh! Whatever I said last week about getting to know her, I take it back! She's irritating me with her eagerness. She might look all timid and shy but she's got a hell of a lot to say!

Well at least after ignoring her earlier she's walking slower. Good. She's learning. I reach the bus stop just as the bus pulls in. The driver looked as grumpy as I felt.

I bought my ticket and grabbed a seat at the far back. The only other person on here was a smartly-dressed woman, probably going to work. I looked at the old granny and a few children at my school get on. Not Olivia. Geez where did she get to? She's going to miss it. Should I ask the driver to wait? I debated this argument. Why should I? I don't care. I slump back into my seat and the bus slowly pulls away.


"Hey Zayn!" Vicky calls out.

"Hey", I reply, I've been quite moody today, probably because of waking up early.

"Umm.. Have you seen Olivia this morning? I mean she lives opposite you doesn't she? Because she hasn't arrived at school yet and she usually gets here really early", Vicky says. I think back to this morning where I'd left her in the streets and how the bus pulled away without her. She probably went home then.

"Yeah I saw her, she missed the bus so probably will come in later. Couldn't you just text her though?" I said. Vicky ignored my question and I saw the relief on her face as she walked away and was quite surprised; Vicky doesn't usually make friends with people that easily.

A few more boring lessons pass by and finally a lunch break. As I walk onto the school field I saw Victoria sitting with the lads. The worry etched on her face was still clear from this distance. I wonder what's wrong?

I sit down on the bench, next to Niall.

"What's the matter?" I ask her.

"Olivia still hasn't got here yet, she didn't go back home because I just rung her house and no one picked up. And yes Zayn I tried texting her, she didn't reply." Where did that girl get to? Oh whatever. It's none of my business. Even as I say this a worry starts to form within me. Wherever she's got to, I hope nothing bad has happened. I hope her walking slowly because of me didn't create this mess. I didn't want to cause any more bad things to happen to anyone. The rest of the lunch was filled with silence with a few jokes from Louis trying to cheer Vicky up. The bell sounded and everyone started walking back.

I stopped. Wherever she is, I'm partly responsible for this. She doesn't seem like the type that would bunk off so that means... Without thinking it any further, I grab my bag and walk round the back of the school to the gates. To find her.

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