Out Of Sight

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Bunking off from school without anyone knowing wasn't a problem at all. I've done it before but never for a reason like this. I catch the bus to my street and walk down. I reached the place where I last saw her this morning and look around. No one. Just a deserted street with an old man walking down and a few cars and buses rushing past every now and then. I stare around me. What was I thinking? That she'd still be here?

Frustration boiled up inside me as I turned around. Might as well go home now. There's no point. Annoyed I start walking down the road to my house.

I open the door to my house and walk up the stairs; opening my bedroom door and dumping everything on the floor. Why did I even set off to find her? It was her own fault if she didn't come today.

Olivia's P.O.V

I didn't go to school today. Neither was I at home. Instead I went there. Back to our old street. I just wanted to see him and enjoy the peaceful serenity for a while.

I had walked slowly on purpose this morning to stay out of Zayn's way after he ignored me. But once I got to the bus stop, I saw it zooming away from me. I debated running after it and then saw another bus coming towards me. As I got on the driver asked where I wanted to go, I was going to say Tong's High School but then I realised this bus wasn't going there so I said London instead – the first place that came to my mind.

As I had sat on the bus, waiting for it to arrive at London, I was wondering why I said this place. After all that happened this was the last place I should go to. But it was like a magnetic pull. One that wouldn't allow me to turn away no matter what. Once I got there, everything just seemed to happen like it was already written down. I found myself taking the similar path down to the old coffee shop we always used to go to and once I got there, I saw him. He was sitting there. Facing away from me. I couldn't see his face so I wasn't sure about his emotion.

"Kyle..." I whispered at his back.

His back stiffened as if he wasn't expecting me and then without looking at me, he walked away, out of sight. What happened? What did I do wrong?


"Olivia? Didn't you go to school today?" Mum asked me, coming into my bedroom.

"No mum I wasn't feeling well." I told her hoping she would just leave me alone. I guess she sensed this because after a while she left but that familiar frown was back on her forehead.

As I went down for dinner, I heard Mum and Dad talking in hushed voices. So as any normal person I slowed down and listened.

"I don't know! I think she's been back to London!" Mum was saying, her voice all strained.

"Calm down, she probably just isn't feeling –"

"No! I'm sure! She's all sad all of a sudden! I wonder what made her go back there." Mum said, drowning out all Dad's tries to try and calm her down.

I turned away, though Mum's words lingered in my head. I wonder what made her go back there. I wonder too. What made me go back there? Whatever the reason was, I was angry! Why did I go back there? I told myself I never would. We moved away so that I never would. And now after all these efforts, I had gone back, just like that. And my family's happiness had disappeared as well.

 Zayn! His face suddenly appeared in my head. He was smiling, and his eyes were sparkling like stars in the night sky – though I've never seen him smile before. It was him who made me go back! No! That's not fair, blaming it on him when I knew very well what I was doing.

Although I reasoned this with myself, I could not help feeling annoyance towards him.


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