Chapter 9

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Pisces POV: The Confession
            In art class Mrs. Mensa introduces her assistant teacher, Ms. May. Ms. May sits with Cancer, Cap, and I. She's a young lady with short brown hair; she marvels at our ability in art and shares her art experience with us.          
               When art class ends we all run to library hoping to be seated with our friends. Mrs. Dorado sits me with Scorpio. OMG. Keep calm I tell my self. Hopefully I look calm but on the inside I feel like my stomach is ring for a fight between a grizzly bear and a gorilla. He sits right next to me and pulls out his note book. I go look for books and find The Outsiders. I check it out and sit down and start to read it. Suddenly as I began chapter 2 the bell rings and we are all thankful that the day is over.
     I wait at door 10 hoping that he shows up. Finally he shows up and starts to say ....
Scorpio POV
    As I walk over to Pisces, I feel my heart beating and my thoughts telling be to back down. Suddenly it starts to rain. I can't believe I'm doing this. This is insane; I'm insane. Oh well, I tell myself. When I finally reach Pisces who has her umbrella out, I say as I put my hand on hers,"Umm, Pisces I have always liked you since before I can remember. Will you please do me the honor of being my girlfriend?"
       She looks at me in that way of hers. She strokes my hands and with tears in her eyes, whispers," Yes," while nodding her head. My heart flutters. I kiss her slowly on her forehead, causing her to blush. I smile as we part and as she walks away. I turn around to look at her and she's doing, what I'm guessing, a happy dance. I laugh a little bit and head to my dorms.  Cancer sees me smiling and knows exactly what happened. He's my best friend. It's always been him, Pisces and I. We do our homework together as he asks me about what exactly happened. Excitement fills the room as we both smile and laugh.

Hi there. Before I tell you anything else I want to thank xboxonegames, pinkcaramel_,lewy1050,m208010b, colorfire22,bubblefox, PandaUnicornLover, and ScorpionMelon for favorite my story. And anyone else for reading it or adding it to their reading list. New chapter soon hopefully. Bye

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